Chapter 5 - Reina

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In that fleeting moment, as Max held me in his strong arms, my heart skipped a beat. His presence was electrifying, his touch sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't tear my gaze away from his, captivated by the charm and warmth emanating from him. I have never felt like this, not even with my ex.

There was something in his eyes, a depth that drew me in and left me breathless and curious. He has beautiful blue eyes that remind me of the ocean and you could literary get lost and drown in them. Despite the chaos of the crowd around us, everything else faded into insignificance as we locked eyes.

In that brief moment, I felt a strange mix of emotions—a shock at being caught off guard, certainly, but also an unexpected attraction that left me spellbound. As much as I wanted to deny, deny, and deny that he's the most handsome man I have ever met, I just couldn't. Everything about him seemed captivating. As he hold me, he didn't look like an arrogant and cocky asshole like others, he seemed sweet and caring. How is that possible for someone like him? Where's the arrogance? I just saw him on the ice, full of himself, but now he looked like a completely different person. Besides, if he really was arrogant, cocky, and full of himself. he would have let me fall, right?

As Max eventually released me from his grasp, I felt disappointed that this moment was over. I, against my vill, enjoyed the way he held me, the way he was piercing into my eyes, and even that stupid grin on his lips. Yet somehow it all made him even more handsome.

My cheeks flushed as I finally broke the silence, offering my thanks to Max for his timely intervention. "Thanks for catching me back there. I... I appreciate it," I said, my voice slightly hesitant.

Max's warm smile was reassuring as he replied, "No problem at all. Just being in the right place at the right time, I guess. By the way, I couldn't help but notice you in the stands. You seem pretty passionate about the game."

Raising an eyebrow, I responded skeptically, "Passionate? More like trying not to get trampled by the crazed fans."

Max laughed at my retort, his laughter infectious. "Fair enough. So, what brings you to a Montreal Frostfire game if you're not a fan?"

I hesitated for a moment before answering, "I guess I got dragged here by some friends. Not my first choice of entertainment."

Max nodded understandingly, his smile unwavering. "I can understand that. Hockey isn't for everyone. But hey, I promise not all hockey players are as bad as you might think."

I looked at him skeptically, unsure of his sincerity. "That's what they all say."

Undeterred, Max leaned in a little closer, his charm in full force. "Give me a chance to change your mind."

"Listen, I-" Before I could respond, Sarah appeared out of nowhere, her excitement palpable. "Oh my gosh, Reina, are you some kind of hockey player magnet??" she exclaimed.

Blinking in surprise, I replied, "Excuse me, what?"

Sarah continued, her enthusiasm bubbling over. "We leave you for a second and you are already talking to one of the best hockey players in this team, teach me your ways!"

Max chuckled at Sarah's remark, his charm still evident. "I think it comes naturally from your friend."

Sarah, undeterred, continued her antics. "Rei, hit me so I know that this is reality and I'm talking to Max Anderson...The fucking best Frostfire player!"

Sighing in amusement, I played along. "Alright, I already see hearts in your eyes, let's go find Kate and get away from here."

As I dragged Sarah away, I couldn't resist offering one final thanks to Max. "Thank you, Max, for catching me," I called out over my shoulder.

Sarah, still buzzing with excitement, declared, "I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN, MAX ANDERSON!!"

Rolling my eyes at Sarah's antics, I couldn't help but chuckle. "I think he already understood that, Sarah."

As we walked away, Sarah couldn't resist probing further. "But seriously, how do you do this? It's like you are a magnet and they stick to you."

Shrugging in response, I replied, "I don't know and I don't care, now let's gooooo."

As we walked away from Max, Sarah couldn't stop talking about Maxx and me being a hockey player magnet, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling within me remembering what happened just minutes away. Part of me was grateful for Max's fast reflexes and catching me, yet another part was unsettled by the unexpected encounter and the attraction I felt with him.

I needed to get away from there and forget about all this Max thing. I can't let myself think about him and how handsome he is. Finding Kate seemed like the perfect excuse to escape the overwhelming atmosphere of the arena and the thoughts of Max.

As we tried to walk through the crowded concourse, trying not to lose each other again, I focused on putting one foot in front of the other to not fall again. "I don't need Anderson to catch me again and to look at me with that charming look," I thought to myself.

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