Chapter 6 - Max

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Time seemed to stand still as I held this beautiful and intoxicating girl in my arms. I couldn't look away from her enchanting eyes, filled with a blend of annoyance and curiosity. When I looked into her icy blue eyes, I felt something weird in my stomach, in a good way of course. I have never seen a person with eyes like hers. They were in really light blue color, just like ice, they may seem cold to others, but they radiated warmth. Gone were the arrogance and the flirtation nature that usually was with me when I was with women. How could someone I had barely met have such an effect on me?

We eventually parted ways amidst the chaos of the crowd. There was something about her that felt familiar yet entirely new, and I couldn't quite understand what was this feeling. We talked a bit and her voice was as intoxicating as her appearance. 

As she and her friend made their way to their friend's car, a pretty weird thought got into my head "I need to find a way to ask for her number." And I couldn't stop my mind and my legs. I have never been one to run after women, they usually run after me. But there was something about this woman and I couldn't let her slip away from me. 

My heart was racing just like in the game when I'm skating to hit another goal, adrenalin rushing through my veins. I'm never nervous, I'm really confident and sure of myself, but at this moment I feel like a teenager again, who's scared to ask a girl out. I quickly approached her, ready to ask for her name and number, but just as I opened my mouth to speak, I felt a heavy hand clap me on the back.

"Hey there, Max! Great game tonight, buddy!" the voice boomed, belonging to one of my teammates Axel.

 "Yeah, thanks, Jake. Listen, I'll be right back. I just need to do one thing."

With my teammates still caught up in their conversation,  I took a few steps back towards her, who stood waiting by her friend's car. My heart was pounding in my chest, the anticipation building with each step. "God what the hell is wrong with me, stop looking nervous and get yourself together," I said to myself in my mind.

As I approached her, I couldn't help but feel a surge of nervous energy coursing through me. She looked at me pretty surprised and maybe a bit annoyed? Her friends, on the other hand, were shocked, especially her friend who turned out my biggest fan.

"Hey," I began, my voice tinged with earnestness. "I was wondering if I could get your phone number. I'd love to see you again and talk to you. Oh, and of course, I didn't catch your name."

"I mean... Sure... And the name is Reina," she answered, her tone hesitant, her uncertainty palpable.

As I reached for my phone to enter her number, another teammate, Eric, called out to me, breaking the moment. "Max! We're hitting the town to celebrate the win. You in?"

"I'll catch up with you guys later. Just give me a sec."

With a sense of relief, I exchanged phone numbers with Reina, feeling a small sense of accomplishment at having secured a way to reach out to her. "I watched her and her friends driving off, like a fucking creep. I barely know her but I'm already acting like her boyfriend." I thought to myself and rolled my eyes being annoyed at myself. I shrugged off all the feelings and went back to my teammates to go and celebrate our first victory of this season.

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