Chapter 11 - Reina

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After running away from Max, again, I decided to meet up with Kate and Sarah. As we stepped into the heart of the campus, a sense of wonder washed over us, drawn to the hidden gem within the university building. The warm orange glow enveloped us as we entered, basking in the filtered sunlight that streamed through the arched windows.

Inside this tranquil oasis, towering trees adorned with vibrant orange leaves greeted us, their branches forming a natural canopy overhead. The air carried the comforting scent of earth and nature, a stark contrast to the bustling energy of the campus outside.

As we sat down, the gentle rustle of leaves above us created a soothing melody, while the filtered sunlight painted patterns on the ground. The earthy fragrance of moss and fallen leaves filled the air, adding to the sensory experience that enveloped us.

I leaned back against the textured bark of the tree, feeling a sense of peace wash over me, while Sarah and Kate exchanged knowing glances.

As Sarah raised an eyebrow, her curiosity palpable, I knew the inevitable interrogation was coming. "So we heard you two bumped into each other again... Spill the details, Reina. What's the deal with the hockey player?" she asked, her tone playful yet probing.

I let out a sigh, feeling the weight of uncertainty settles in. "He's charming, Sarah. But it's complicated. Besides, you know my history with hockey players. It's like a cycle of heartbreak I can't break free from."

Kate chimed in, her optimism shining through. "But this Max guy seems different, doesn't he?"

I hesitated for a moment, grappling with conflicting emotions. "Maybe, but I can't shake off my reservations. Past experiences have a way of haunting the present."

Kate leaned in, her eyes filled with empathy. "But, Reina, you can't let past wounds dictate your present. Not every guy is the same."

I nodded, torn between my fears and desires. "I want to believe that, Kate. It's just hard to let go of the caution, you know? When you look at him he seems different, but sometimes when he talks you can hear that hockey player arrogance... Gosh, I don't know..."

Sarah squeezed my hand, offering silent support. "You deserve happiness, and sometimes that means taking a chance, even if it feels risky."

I sighed, recounting the unexpected encounter near the lockers. "Today, right there near the lockers, Max and I bumped into each other. Again. It was like a scene out of a movie, you know? He caught me, and for a moment, it felt like the universe wanted us to meet."

Sarah grinned, her excitement contagious. "Fate has a funny way of working, doesn't it? Besides, where's the problem here?"

I forced a small smile, my thoughts still clouded by doubt. "But then, the group of "fan girls showed up". It was like a switch flipped. Max had this apologetic smile, and he let me go to attend to them. I felt like an extra in his fan club, and it was so... awkward. The only thing I could think of was just leaving."

Kate tilted her head sympathetically, acknowledging my concerns. "Sounds like he's used to the attention."

Sarah rolled her eyes, her frustration evident. "I mean, obviously he's used to it. He's like a superstar - a hockey god."

"That's the thing," I continued, tracing patterns on the bench. "I've been down that road before. The charming hockey player with a string of admirers. I don't want to be just another girl in the crowd."

Sarah leaned forward, her tone reassuring. "But maybe he's different, Reina. Not every hockey player is the same."

I nodded, a glimmer of hope emerging. "I want to believe that, Sarah. I really do. But it's hard to shake off the feeling of being just another chapter in a well-worn book."

Kate chimed in again, her words filled with conviction. "You're not just another chapter, Reina. You're the author of your own story. If Max is different, give him a chance to prove it."

Lost in thought, I looked into the distance, weighing my options. "It's not just about him, though. It's about me too. I've built these walls to protect myself, and I'm afraid to let them down. What if he hurts me? What if this time I won't be able to stand up after heartbreak?"

Sarah reached for my hand, offering unwavering support. "Opening up doesn't mean you're weak. Sometimes, it's the bravest thing you can do. And we will always be by your side to help you stand up. You're not alone and you know that. You have us."

Taking a deep breath, I acknowledged their encouragement. "Maybe you're right. Maybe it's time to take a chance. But how do I know if it's worth the risk?"

Kate smiled reassuringly. "You won't know until you try. Life's full of uncertainties, Reina, but that's what makes it beautiful."

Their words resonated within me, stirring a sense of resolve. "I appreciate you both more than words can say. It's just... hard to let go of the fear."

Sarah nodded in understanding. "Fear is a natural part of the journey, Reina. But it shouldn't dictate your choices. Take a chance, and remember, we'll catch you if you fall."

Kate added, her optimism unwavering. "And who knows, this might be the beginning of something beautiful. The unknown is scary, but it's also where the magic happens."

With a small smile, I embraced the uncertainty ahead. "I guess it's time to start taking risks. For now, there's nothing to lose."

Maybe it's really time to look my fear in the eyes...

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