Chapter 13 - Library - Max

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As I caught sight of Reina browsing the shelves, a rush of anticipation surged through me. There was something captivating about her presence, a delicate balance of vulnerability and strength that drew me in. I watched her from afar, her every movement a graceful dance amidst the rows of books.

At that moment, I made a decision to walk up to her and see where it all goes.

As I gently pushed her against the shelves, I couldn't help but marvel at the sight before me. Her eyes held a mixture of surprise and intrigue, her lips parted in a silent invitation. With each passing second, the distance between us dwindled, until there was nothing separating us but the thinnest of threads.

Turning her around to face me, I found myself lost in the depth of her gaze. As I gazed into her eyes, I felt as if I were standing at the edge of an arctic abyss, ready to plunge into the unknown depths of her soul. The air around us seemed to crackle with the latent heat of our proximity, a silent testament to the storm of emotions brewing within.

In the hushed stillness of the library, I held Reina close, the warmth of her presence a stark contrast to the icy allure of her platinum blond hair, which cascaded like a frozen waterfall, shimmering in the muted light. Her eyes, twin pools of glacial blue, were fathomless, holding within them the serene beauty of a winter's sky just before the dawn.

The desire to kiss her was overwhelming, a craving that went beyond the physical—a longing to taste the very essence of her being. Yet, I hesitated, trying not to rush everything.

Just as our lips were inches apart, a raucous laughter shattered the silence. The door burst open and in stumbled my teammates, their faces flushed with victory and the night's revelries.

"Hey, look who's trying to steal a moment!" jeered Nathan, his grin wide and teasing.

The moment was broken. Reina's eyes flickered with a mix of amusement and disappointment, a silent understanding passing between us that this was neither the time nor the place.

With a resigned sigh, I stepped back, offering her a sheepish smile. "Duty calls," I murmured, the words tinged with regret.

She nodded, her smile a gentle benediction. "It's okay," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the din of my teammates' continued jests.

As I watched Reina walking away, Nathan's voice boomed across the library, filled with mock surprise: "Whoaa, look at our Max, back in the game I see!"

Jack leaned against the door frame, a smirk playing on his lips. "You almost had it, man. Just a second away from the headline news: 'Max's Daring Library Romance.'"

Nathan's chuckle reverberated through the quiet library, a playful barb aimed at my foiled attempt at romance: "Better luck next time, Romeo."

I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the flush of embarrassment. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," I retorted, but their good-natured ribbing was hard to resist.

Nathan nudged Jack, whispering loudly enough for me to hear: "Bet he was practicing those moves in front of the mirror all week."

Jack nodded sagely: "Absolutely. You know, they say practice makes perfect, but I guess Max needs a bit more rehearsal."

Their laughter echoed off the walls, and I couldn't help but join in. Despite the interruption, their teasing was a reminder of the lighter side of life, the easy banter a contrast to the intensity of the moment with Reina.

"Alright, alright, that's it, we have to go to lecture," I said, steering them towards the exit. "Before you two turn this into a comedy show."

Nathan threw an arm around my shoulders, his laughter still filling the air. "You know, Max, if you need tips on smooth talking, I'm here for you. We can't have our star player losing his touch!"

Jack chimed in, his voice teasing: "Yeah, and I'll help you with your dramatic exits. You know, for when you need to make a swift escape from your adoring fans."

I shook my head, a smile tugging at my lips despite their relentless teasing. "I think I'll manage. But thanks for the offer, guys."

As we walked down the corridor, their banter continued, each jest a light-hearted jab at my expense, but it was all in good fun. "Next time, just pick a spot without a door," Nathan advised with a wink.

"And maybe not a library," Jack added, "somewhere with a bit more... privacy?"

Their laughter was infectious, and I found myself laughing along, the earlier tension melting away in the warmth of friendship. "Noted," I said, the corners of my eyes crinkling with amusement. "I'll make sure to book an entire venue just for the occasion."

"Ah, that's the spirit!" Nathan exclaimed. "Now, let's get to that lecture before we're the ones making headlines for being late."

With a final chuckle, we quickened our pace, our laughter showing how close we were. The day's lecture awaited, but the memory of the almost-kiss lingered, a sweet promise of what the future might hold.

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