Chapter 15 - Mount Natagumo

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A/N: New Chapter today! On it rn! :3 Sorry I am a little late I was busy consuming Choso Kamo edits!<3


It was morning once again and the sun had was already rising from behind the horizon. A honeyed voice could be heard as Y/N slowly opened her eyes. She had slept way longer than usual. Nezuko wasn't laying next to her anymore, which made her brows furrow in confusion. Rubbing her eyes, she tried to erase the lingering sleepiness.

„Sweet Nezuko! Nezuko!"

Zenitsu was currently chasing Nezuko through the room, the demon seemingly uncomfortable. Y/N immediately jumped to her feet, hair still a bit messy from sleeping. She had loosened her ponytail before sleeping, so her hair was falling into her face. Still, the hairstyle had some charm to it. The woman was about to scold Zenitsu when Tanjiro jumped infront of Nezuko, extending his arms.

„Stop it already!"

Zenitsu only responded with a giggle and a smile that seemed like he was on cloud 9. And then, he started chasing Tanjiro as well, the maroon haired boy running away from him in circles. The adeptus just stared at the scene unfolding before her, unsure of what to say.

„Good morning to you guys as well."

Her voice was still sleepy and a bit huskier than usual. Zenitsu's head snapped into her direction, the same dizzy smile on his face as before.

„Y/N! You look so good with your hair down.."

Y/N's face scrunched up in disgust as she took her hair tie and started to braid her hair over her shoulder.

„Zenitsu.. would you please stop chasing my siblings?"

Suddenly, the sliding door opened and revealed Inosuke. The boy was wearing a yukata, just like the others. The only difference was that he was wearing his around his waist. His mask was on his head as well. Letting out yell, Inosuke headbutted Tanjiro's back, making the boy fall. Y/N, who had finished her braid walked over to Tanjiro, helping him onto his feet. She gave Inosuke an annoyed stare.

„For the gods sake.. do you have too much energy? Try running some laps outside. I'll join you. We'll race."

Inosuke, not wanting to back down from the challenge, gave a hasty nod.


After some time had passed, Y/N and Inosuke finished their laps. And well.. Inosuke didn't really measure up to Y/N's speed at all. After another check-up from the doctor, stating that Tanjiro's, Zenitsu's and Inosuke's injuries had healed, all of them where sitting in the room once again. The sound of flapping wings could be heard as Y/N's and Tanjiro's crows flew through the opened door.

„Northeast! Go northeast next! To Mount Natagumo! You shall go to Mount Natagumo! Got it?"

Tanjiro's crow screeched. Y/N's crow was simply sitting on her Mistress's shoulder, affectionately nuzzling her head against Y/N's cheek. Mount Natagumo.. Y/N hadn't been there before so she decided to be wary. Soon, the group took off. Just before Y/N walked through the gate of the estate, she heard a voice speak up.

„Wait just a minute, Dear."

It was the old lady from last night. And she was holding something in her hand. It was a neatly folded haori.

„I noticed you did not have one when you came here so I decided to gift you this one. My daughter used to wear it when she was a demon slayer. Sadly, she was killed at a young age. And I want you to have it."

Her golden eyes widened. The woman barely knew Y/N, yet she decided to gift her something so valuable?

„I can tell from your many scars that you are a brave warrior, my dear. So please, accept this as a token of my gratitude for protecting humanity."

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