Chapter 22 - Deep Sleep (2)

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A/N: I'm finally back home! With my cats 🐈

Tw: This chapter contains graphic descriptions of violence.


Darkness. Then, the sound of a string instrument. She opened her eyes. Clawed hands moved her long green hair out of her face, her greyish skin shining in the dim light of the room she was in. The woman stood up, elegant black robes dragging over the floor as she moved towards the door. Her mouth revealed an array of razor sharp teeth as she looked into the mirror. Her eyes widened. She looked different from what she remembered. Her hair was longer and decorated with golden hairpins with spider lily pendants, her skin was much paler and her light green tattoos stretched across her body, over the pieces of skin revealed by her elegant black gown. Her lips where a deep red, nails much longer, almost resembling claws. But the most striking thing where her eyes. Instead of pupils, there where two symbols engraved into her eyes. That couldn't be.. Her slender fingers reached up to trail down her temple. She knew the symbols. She had seen them before. In the eyes of a demon.

„Upper One.."

She whispered. That's what the symbols in her eyes read. She was confused. Somehow, Y/N felt like she wasn't supposed to be here. Yet, she also felt an odd sense of belonging. A knock.


Y/N couldn't recognise her own voice. It was cold, devoid of any empathy or emotion. With elegant steps, she approached the man who had knocked on her door.

„My lady, the Master wishes to see you."

It was a demon who was a bit shorter than her, with black hair that had reddish tips and turquoise eyes, engraved with the symbols „Lower One".

„And why does he wish to see me?"

Enmu chuckled. So he had managed to rope her into it after all. He initially had doubts that his blood demon art would take effect on her, but somehow, her consciousness accepted the new information immediately. It was like she didn't have much memories of this world to begin with. And for now, he'd rope her deeper and deeper into this sweet dream, until her consciousness was fully convinced that this was her reality. Then, he'd take her sleeping body and take her to his Master. And when she'd wake up, she would simply believe that her dream was something that occurred within her life. He just had to push her mind until it was on the brink of breaking, then slowly put it back together, like pieces of a puzzle.

„Does he not have the right to see his strongest Upper Moon, my Lady?"

Enmu bowed. He somehow had to make her believe that she served Muzan. That her life's purpose was to serve him.

„I see.. lead the way then."

Y/N's mind felt foggy. Upper moon one.. was that really her? She had a feeling something wasn't right. The woman followed Enmu through the halls, until she reached a giant room. In the middle was a table, filled with different vials and chemicals, books and papers which were scrambled across the desk. As soon as she entered, a voice spoke up.

„Ah.. it's you, my dear. Please, come closer."

The voice was like a magnetic pull, luring Y/N in. Deep red eyes stared into her own, a small smile gracing the lips of their owner.

„I want to talk to you about something, so sit down."

He gestured to a seat cushion on the floor. Y/N obediently got onto her knees, sitting down on the cushion.


The man smiled at her.

„Ever since I took you in and turned you into a demon, all those years ago, you have served me well. You were quite defiant back then but now you're.."

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