Chapter 24 - Insult

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A/N: One more written final test to go yikes. But Ty all for waiting so long for my stressed ass to finally provide good food🔥🙏


„I'll bring you to my master! No matter the cost."

The demon from Y/N's dream exclaimed. His face was twisted in something similar to fear, yet his cheeks were tinted pink, lips pulled into a wide, malicious grin.

„And when he has your he'll reward me with more blood.. I'll be able to become part of the upper moons and finally earn his respect."

Her grip tightened on her spear as she listened to his little monologue. She had a vague theory of who that Master might be. She sneered at the thought, the pair of red eyes flashed up in her memory. She didn't know how strong this demon was and there were people on the train. Innocent people.

„And well.. maybe I'll even get a piece of you for myself! You're so pretty.. I could give you the purest of dreams! With everything you could ever want.. so for now.. you have to sleep."

The demon raised his hand, lips twitching as he let out another giggle, another mouth appearing on his hand. Y/N immediately reacted, teleporting herself forward and cutting the demons arms clean off. Just then, Tanjiro appeared behind her. Y/N ducked, allowing the boy freedom of movement. With a scream, Tanjiro cut right through the demons neck, making it fly off and land a few feet away from them on the roof of the still moving train. The demons body fell to the side, laying limp on the ground. The woman's eyes narrowed. That was way too easy.. Why wasn't the body disappearing? She gave Tanjiro a signal to get behind her, eyes scanning their surroundings.

„This isn't over.."

Her voice was hushed, her focus lying entirely on their surroundings.

„My Master told me to kill a Pillar and the boy with the earrings that carry the sun symbol. He also told me bring him the woman who accompanies them. And now I know why.. you're damn annoying brat!"

The voice came from below. A tentacle like shape formed out of the roof, its texture flesh-like and slimy. Y/N frowned. Disgusting.. but the demon was alive. It didn't die. A new head had formed on the tip of the tentacle.

„Even though you beheaded me.. I'm still here talking to you. You wanna know why? I'll tell you! It's because the body you defeated wasn't me in the first place. While you and your friends enjoyed your little dreams, I fused my body with this train. I think you understand what that means.. the 200 people on this train. They're not only my prey but also my hostages!"

The floating head snickered. Y/N's eyes darkened as she looked at the demon who was giving her a mocking smile.

„So.. you. Woman. You either come with me or I will kill everyone on this train, including your little friends. What are you going to do? Even you can't protect them and fight me at the same time!"

The adeptus exhaled shakily. Sadly, the demon was right. She couldn't protect everyone on the train by herself. No matter how strong she was, there were just too many people on the train. The tentacle slowly disappeared back into the roof.

„Y/N.. what should we do?"

The adeptus didn't answer. Her heart was beating so loud she feared it would burst out of her chest within the next moment. Could she keep Tanjiro safe? Could she protect Nezuko? What about Zenitsu and Inosuke? And Kyojuro? All the people Her hands were shaking, sweat forming on her temple as her pulse got faster. She already failed to protect someone she loved once.. she couldn't let this happen again. The woman was ripped out of her thoughts by a loud yell.

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