Chapter 19.5 - Rehabilitation Training (2)

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„This guy.. he's strong. I can handle alot but that stuff made me cry in pain."

Inosuke commented, watching as Zenitsu got twisted and pulled by the girls. Y/N watched the whole thing unfold, all of them undergoing the three stages of the training once again. Soon, night fell and the full moon stood high in the sky. The adeptus had decided to go on a small walk, trying to cure her boredom. Leaving the estate, she took a path through a nearby forest, enjoying the way the cool night air caressed her skin, pushing her hair into her face. Y/N continued to follow the path, shivering as she remembered what happened on her last walk alone. She had run into this eerie demon, the one with the six eyes. The one whose aura had felt suffocatingly strong. Shaking her head, Y/N's hands balled into fists, nails digging into her skin. If all of this continued at the same pace, people would start getting suspicious of her. She was quite sure they where already but didn't question her due to their Master telling them not too. Because in the end, Y/N wasn't human. Would they mistake her for a demon? Sanemi saw her teleport after ally he surely told his Master. Just how would she explain this? And there was another thing creeping around in the back of her head. The vision she had. The one where she heard the voice of the traveler. Y/N was too deep in her thoughts to notice the footsteps approaching her. Last second, Y/N jumped to the side, evading the attack directed at her, some of her hair being sliced off, falling too the ground. The woman cursed as she rolled to the side summoning her polearm. A cheerful chuckle could be heard from where she just stood, making her squint her eyes. A man was looking at her, his multicoloured irises shimmering in the moonlight. She had seen this guy before. Just before she had met Muzan. A deep frown was now etched onto her features. Her hair was falling into her face, the strands now reaching reaching her shoulders in a messy way. But her hair was her smallest concern right now. The man gave her a wide smile, speaking with a velvety voice.

„Look who we have here~ Seems like we cross paths again! I knew I'd meet you once more. It was quite hurtful when you didn't accept my gift back then, you know? But we'll have plenty of time later~ I'll simply decorate your corpse with it!"

The man's eyes widened as he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder, a gash torn into his mesh top and the flesh underneath.

„Oh my.. how interesting~"

Y/N immediately turned around again after striking him, lifting her spear to strike once again. This time, the demon reacted quickly enough, grabbing the handle of her polearm mid air.

„Now, now.. don't you want to talk before getting violent?"

Y/N scoffed, pulling on the polearm and ripping it from his fingers.

„You attacked me and then told me you'd decorate my corpse with a hairpin. Be for real."

The man tilted his head, putting his fingers against his chin.

„That's right.. I simply wanted to eat you. You see.. you smell super good. I just love that!"

The woman gave him a disturbed look. What a creep. She couldn't have a demon like this wander around. Yet, his aura seemed similar to the six eyed demon she encountered before. Y/N took a closer look at his eyes, her grip on her polearm tightening as she saw the kanji etched into them. Upper 2. Just great. What was with her and running into strong demons?

„Anyway, before I kill you! My name is Dou-"

He couldn't finish his sentence as his jaw was smashed by Y/N's weapon, jumping back before it could fully slice of his head. He dipped his finger into the wound as it started to regenerate, his jaw healed within a second. Douma could feel a foreign feeling bubble up in his gut. It was something entirely new, something he had never felt before. Was this what others called excitement? A sinister smile made its way onto the demon's face as he observed the woman in front of him.

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