Chapter 18 POV Vincent

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The company's new game has achieved exceptional success, with mainstream media providing comprehensive coverage. People are now curious about V.C. Company's next plan.

"Developing a new game," I respond at the press conference.

"After a game succeeds in the market, production companies are eager to release 2.0, 3.0 versions, randomly adding game items, capitalizing on the fan economy. However, this perfunctory game production method can lead to a loss of trust in a game or even the game production company. Therefore, V.C. will continue to innovate."

Many people applaud my statement.

However, some jump in to counter, using the old argument of "games are meaningless."

Such opinions sound like nonsense to me.

Games are inherently useless; after all, one must turn off the computer.

Life is inherently useless; we all die anyway.

Beautiful porcelain is also useless; it's just a container, can't a Coca-Cola plastic bottle hold things?

I suddenly jump up in front of my desk.

Why did I think of porcelain?

I wipe my face with my hands and continue staring at the busy computer screen.

One trivial thing after another keeps me busy, and unnoticed, spring is almost over.

Charlotte's wedding takes place in the United States, covering guests' round-trip tickets and accommodations, but I don't attend.

I just send Charlotte and her husband a bottle of Dry Gin as a wedding gift.

I'm not sure if mailing a bottle of alcohol across the ocean will cause it to break, but fortunately, Charlotte emails me, assuring me it arrived intact.

In March, my company collaborates with a large shopping center, hosting offline gaming activities.

Models cosplay as game characters, managing a dessert shop in the mall. This promotes the game and attracts foot traffic to the shopping center, a win-win.

During an inspection of the venue, I happen to see Elsie's assistant, Lucy. She's shopping with bags in hand. I see her walk into the dessert shop to order, so I pay for her directly.

Lucy thanks me with a smile. I ask her if she plays games.

"Of course, it's very popular lately." She says.

"The game takes about fifteen minutes per round, perfect for passing the time during breaks on set." I say.

Lucy nods, "Yeah. But I've been on leave this month."

"...You're not working?"

"Elsie went to China, learning pottery from a Chinese grandmother. We're on paid leave now."


"How long has she been there?"

"Probably two months." Lucy pauses and says, "But don't worry; it won't affect Elsie's game endorsements. If there's any promotional activity that needs Elsie's cooperation, she'll fly back immediately."

I nod.

At this point, the waiter brings the desserts, and we chat for a while. Lucy mentions she's going to watch a movie and says goodbye to me.

I sit in place, lost in thought, and suddenly, someone taps my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" I snap back to reality, looking at Josh.

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