Chapter 23 POV Vincent

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The next morning, Elsie sent me a message, informing me that she is busy and might not be able to meet with me the whole day.

I know it's her excuse for not wanting to see me after being angry. Since I have already bought tickets that are now useless, I drive around the streets of London aimlessly.

When the sky completely darkens, I park downstairs at Elsie's.

She is home now, and the lights in her windows are on.

What is she doing? Having dinner? Watching TV? Listening to music?

I think for a moment and then take out my phone to send her a message:

【I'm sorry.】

【I always make you sad.】

She doesn't reply.

I sigh softly but don't want to leave, so I just sit in the car, staring at the mottled shadows of the trees ahead in my field of vision.

In the evening breeze, the shadows keep changing.

My eyes start to ache, so I rest my head against the seatback and close my eyes.

However, I still hope for Elsie to reply to my message, so I continuously open my eyes to check for unread messages on my phone.

I've repeated this meaningless action countless times.

Suddenly, someone lightly taps on my window.

I turn my head, and my heart skips a beat.

"How long have you been here?" she asks.

"Not long."

"Liar," she looks at me.

Normally, the flower show ends at 6 p.m., but today is Friday, and the closing time is at 10 p.m.

We can make it if we hurry.

After leaving the residential area, Elsie opens the window, letting the night wind in.

The May wind is warm.

As we drive towards the outskirts with fewer people, the view becomes more expansive. The letters "RHS" shine in the night. I stop the car, take out two tickets, and enter the garden with her.

"Vincent," Elsie suddenly speaks up.


"Did you see a little café we passed by?"

"You want something to drink?"

"I want to eat ice cream."

"You're still anemic."

"I'm much better now," Elsie says.

I ask her to wait in place, then buy her favorite chocolate-flavored cone. The lampposts illuminate charming little corners under the night sky as Elsie and I walk side by side.

She unwraps the paper packaging around the cone in circles, enjoying the flowers while eating.

And I just stare at her.

After a while, she stops under a plane tree and trembles lightly.

"Feeling cold now?"

"Yeah," she nods. "My hands are so cold. Can you warm them up for me?"

She extends her palm to me, fingers slender, fingertips slightly red from the cold.

I hold her hand.

At that moment, Elsie looks up at me, suddenly tiptoes, and her cold lips swiftly brush against mine.

I don't let her escape. I hook my hand around her neck, bend down, and kiss her lips. Her lips carry the taste of chocolate.

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