Chapter 28 POV Vincent

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I habitually open the wardrobe doors and see a closet full of women's clothing. These two closets have been emptied specifically for Elsie to use. I close the cabinet doors and shout into the dining room, "Elsie."

"Hmm?" She elongates her response, "What's up?"

"Are you putting on makeup?"


"No problem, go ahead."

I take out a shirt from the adjacent closet and start changing. While buttoning the cuffs, Elsie walks in with lipstick in hand and asks, "What's up? Do you have something to tell me?"

Moving is a big project. Elsie mentioned that her apartment is filled with art books, and she's been too lazy to pack. My suggestion is that we could take this opportunity to visit her mother first, report to her mom, and then move.

Elsie nodded but said she could stay over first, and we could visit her mother later. So, to make it more convenient for her to stay, Elsie occasionally brings over some daily necessities, skincare products, and clothes.

Just now, I suddenly realized that apart from books, winter clothes, and furniture and appliances that can't be taken, she has basically moved everything else.

I gaze at Elsie applying lipstick in front of the dressing mirror. "Do you have plans for the weekend?"

"No. Do you want to make plans for me?" She raises her pinkie, lightly wiping the lip edge to create a smooth transition.

"I want to have dinner with your mother."

Elsie turns to look at me.

"You've been staying at my place for almost a month. I asked you to talk to your mom, but I don't know if you did. Anyway, the practice of secretly cohabiting with a girl without informing her family doesn't align with my principles. I just want to have a meal with her and say hello. Of course, if you feel pressured, I respect your thoughts."

Elsie leans in. "It's not that I don't want to... but my mother... she has always..."

She sighs gently.

"Always liked that cardiothoracic doctor in his early thirties?"

"You know him?!" Elsie's voice rises.


I know more than just that.

I frown, think for a moment, then relax.

"Since I can't meet your family, how about you meet mine?"

"So soon?"

I cross my arms. "Elsie Hannaway, I suspect you don't really like me."

"No, no, I like you. I love you."

"Then prove it."

"No problem."

Elsie grabs my collar with her fingers and tiptoes and leaves a full lipstick mark on the side of my neck. Before I can catch her, she agilely dodges away.

I lift my chin, wiping the lipstick mark in the dressing mirror. I can't completely remove it, and my fingers get stained.

I have to go to the dining room and use the wet wipes on the dining table to clean it up. When I renovated, I didn't consider that a woman would live here one day, so I didn't set up a dressing table. Elsie finds it inconvenient to stand in the bathroom, so she often does her makeup directly at the dining table.

Now that she's finished, she's putting all the makeup items on the table into her makeup bag one by one.

I walk up behind her, grab her hand, then lightly pinch her chin and turn her head.

In retaliation for her previous actions, I kiss her perfect lip makeup.

"This weekend, you're meeting my parents. It's settled."


On Saturday morning, I wake Elsie up and drive her to the suburbs.

The fewer people there are, the more mountain roads there are, and Elsie's expression visibly becomes more anxious.

When the car stops at the entrance of the villa, she says, "I need to use the bathroom."

"There's one inside."

"I changed my mind. I don't want to have dinner with your parents."

"Then you can watch us eat from the side."

"I love someone else, and I'm not worthy of you taking me to meet your parents like this."

"It's okay. Even if your heart is elsewhere, as long as your body is in my bed,

After listening to her various excuses, I grab her hand and pull her into my parents' house.

The garden is full of blooming osmanthus flowers, tiny golden blossoms in full bloom, and the fragrance fills the air. The struggling Elsie, upon seeing someone in the corner of the yard, suddenly stops.

"Who is that person?"

"My dad."

"Your dad is hanging clothes."

"Uh hun," I nod, "All the household chores at home are done by him, except cooking; his culinary skills are too touching."

"Does your family... hesitate to hire a maid?"

"If we have a maid, how can my dad's importance be highlighted? Mrs. Mariette's exact words."

"...Mrs. Mariette is your mom?"



A look of awe suddenly appears on Elsie's face.

My mom is waiting for us in the living room. I pull Elsie in front of her and introduce concisely, "Mom, this is Elsie, your daughter-in-law."

Mrs. Mariette looks at Elsie, nods slightly, then says the first sentence they've exchanged since they met, "Elsie, can I have your autograph? I'm your loyal fan."

Elsie: "..."

Mrs. Mariette has also prepared a gift for Elsie, a rare blood diamond bracelet.

"Don't worry," I whisper, "As long as I like you, my mom will like you."

Elsie gradually relaxes.

While we chat, my dad is busy cutting fruit, pouring tea, and tidying up the house. Finally, during dinner, he joins us.

But during the meal, my father suddenly makes a statement, "Elsie, there's something I need to criticize you for."

Elsie pauses, putting down her knife and fork.

"You broke up with him last winter. How come you've reconciled in less than a year?"

"...Are you suggesting that we reconciled too quickly?" Elsie asks tentatively.

"When I made mistakes in my youth, it took two years to pass the probation period. Did you let him off too quickly? I find it very unfair."

"Mom." I turn to Mrs. Mariette, signaling with my eyes for her to say something for me.

But the next moment, Mrs. Mariette puts down her wine glass and holds Elsie's hand.

"Elsie, as your fan, whatever you do is right."


Elsie can't help but laugh.

The dinner doesn't end until ten in the evening. I drive Elsie back.

"Vincent." She has had some wine, and her face is a bit flushed as she turns to look at me.

"What's wrong?"

"I feel it's so sudden, like all these good dreams happening one after another, it feels unreal."

"It's real. I love you. Everything is real."

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