Chapter 19 POV Vincent

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April 3rd is my parents' wedding anniversary.

They met in a small pub; my mom was 22, and my dad was 24 at the time. According to their recollection, the pub was decorated like a motel from a Western movie, with fake wanted posters on the exterior walls.

This year marks their 30th anniversary.

I want to give them a surprise, so I invite relatives and friends and have someone decorate the venue to recreate the atmosphere of the small pub where they first met.

Indeed, as soon as my mom pushes open the door, she freezes, followed by tears of joy.

My dad is also thrilled. After some vines, he blushes and begins reminiscing about how difficult it was to woo my mom.

"Mariette was beautiful. When she didn't smile, she seemed unapproachable, but when she was smiling, she had two dimples. All our colleagues liked her."

"I sent flowers to Mariette for two months before I had the chance to have lunch with her."

Mom shyly taps him, and everyone bursts into laughter.

But to my surprise, in such a heartwarming setting, this couple not only fails to appreciate their son's thoughtfulness but starts asking, "Vincent, you're almost 30, when will you bring a girlfriend home?"

I raise my glass, then put it down, excusing myself to go to the restroom and escape to the corridor.

However, a young woman intercepts me in the hallway.

She smiles and says, "I'm the daughter of your mother's classmate. Can I buy you a drink?"

I politely smile, "Today, you're the guest, so I don't think we'll get the chance."

"I know, what I mean is, after the event, can I buy you a drink?"

"Sorry," I politely smile.

The woman chuckles and returns to the hall.

The gathering ends at eleven.

I haven't lived with my parents for a long time, so I open the gate to the villa, ready to drive back to my apartment.

The April night breeze has a hint of coolness.

I open the car window and light a cigarette.

Suddenly, my phone rings.

Thinking I'd left something at the old mansion, I glance at the screen and slam on the brakes.

On the other end, Elsie says she wants to see me, her voice slightly drunk.

My heart almost stops for a moment.

After calming down, I go to a private cinema in the city center according to the address she provided.

However,as soon as I get out of the car, I see a man stuffing Elsie into a car in an inconspicuous alley next to it.

"You're drunk. Let me take you home."

The man is very young and even handsome. I feel like I've seen him somewhere before but can't recall.

Elsie shakes her head, "No, thanks."

"Your sugar daddy doesn't want you anymore. Stay with me."

Elsie frowns, "I said no, can you stop bothering me?"

The man laughs, "Wow wow wow. I like your hot temper. You'll beg me later."

He reaches out to Elsie.

I rush forward, grab Elsie's arm, and pull her gently to the side.

Elsie suddenly turns her head, squints her eyes to seriously identify my face for two seconds, then smiles.

"You're here," she whispers.

The man also turns around, his face turns pale. Stammering, he says, "Mr. ... Mr. Vincent."

Now I know who he is; The male star that Elsie was rumored to be dating while filming.

Without saying anything, I pick up Elsie and walk toward the parking area.

When I put her on the back seat, she tugs at my dark gray tie and murmurs, "It's cold."

How could she not be cold?

On this April night, she's wearing a shoulder-baring dress, revealing cleavage even I can see.

I snort and quickly take off my suit jacket to cover her.

Now she seems better, huddled in the seat, eyes closed.

Then I quickly return to the driver's seat, start the car, and head to my apartment. When we get to the building, I carry her directly to the top floor.

Elsie smells strongly of alcohol.

The first thing I do when we get home is strip her naked and put her in the bathtub. The tub is filled with warm water, accommodating her now much thiner body.

Her complexion is pale, and there's a hint of dark under her eyes.

But I have to admit, drunk Elsie is much more docile than when she's sober. Even her hair lies soft against her back.

I swallow and look away.

"Go ahead and shower; I'll wait outside."

I don't want her to regret it tomorrow.

"Vincent..." she calls my name through the mist.

I pause.

The next moment, she grips my wrist.

"What's wrong?" I ask in a low voice.

But she remains silent, only looking at me with wet eyes.

I can only say, "I'll go get a towel and dry you off, okay?"

Elsie shakes her head.

The next moment, she struggles to sit up in the water, but her balance is off, and she nearly falls back in.

I grab her shoulders, pulling her into my arms.

Then, my shirt gets wet.

I can't help but lower my head and kiss the top of her head.

"It's cold," she says again.

Then she looks up at me, "Can you warm me up?"

I swallow.

Lowering my head, I see her hands unbuttoning my shirt.

The night is tender.

I no longer hesitate, drying her off and carrying her to bed.

Elsie is exceptionally passionate tonight.

She reaches for my collar, lifts her legs, wrapping them around my waist.

I stare at her flushed face, suddenly remembering the scene where she was pulled into a car by that actor at the cinema entrance.

If I had been a moment later... I dare not imagine what might have happened.

So, I reach for my phone and send a message to my assistant Nick. "Check Elsie's whereabouts in the last 24 hours, the sooner, the better."

This action, however, displeased Elsie.

"Don't text other women," she grabs my phone and throws it onto the carpet, her beautiful eyes seeming foggy.

I pause for a moment, unable to help but chuckle.

"I don't have any other women but you." I hug her tightly.

She looks at me, smiles, rolls over, and then sits on top of me.

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