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"Please believe me.....Please...."

He jerked out from the nightmare but still the voice refused to leave.


He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe to calm his agitated soul as her perturbed voice reached him.

" I am fine, Dhriti... I am fine...."

" How long , long will you punish yourself?" She asked as her eyes brimmed up with tears, not able to see the pain that her husband is subjecting on himself on a daily basis

"Till my last breath"  Each word was uttered in the utmost anguish

She gasped as she realized the wealth of meaning behind those four words.

How long will they have to endure the punishment of that one mistake?

Will their be any redemption to their sins?

Is this going to be their life always?

She looked at her husband's face which depicted his agony. She caressed his cheeks as one by one the pain found it's outlet.

With a sob, he intertwined his hands around his wife's waist and hid himself in her lap. His body shook as he let out his pain in silent screams while Driti could only watch and silently provide as much comfort as she could.

It broke her heart to witness THE GREAT NIRANJAN SURYAVANSHI breaking apart. He was the epitome of class and elegance. No one dared to defy him not only because he is the crown prince but because he commands respect, obedience and loyalty. He not only rules the business world but the hearts of the people he serve.

As the name, he is powerful for anyone to defeat but he bows down to one, his family. His brothers are his strengths but weakness too.

To the world , a symbol of perfection while his flaws are to the four walls of his room and to his dear wife, DHRITI NIRANJAN SURYAVANSHI.


In another part of the palace, a person was on a path of self destruction. The punching bag may at any point split but he was on a roll. Blood was dripping from his bare hands on his each punch while not even a twinge of reaction was seen on his face.

But there stood a poor soul  watching this with overburdened heart. She wanted to stand by him,comfort him , heal him but alas she was relegated to watch from the sidelines.

She looked on as his punches slowed and as she gathered the courage to step forward, her legs stopped. The sight in front was as painful as reliving.

She, SADHAVI DHRUVAH SURYAVANSHI, wife of THE DAREDEVIL DHRUVAH SURYAVANSHI looks on as someone else tends to her husband.

Though the palace was filled with many, there was none to hear her silent cries. Not able to witness this cozy picture , she turned away to return to her room.

"Enough...I can look after myself" the arrogant voice of Dhruvah echoed around the room. Even low it was enough to tremble anyone but not the girl sitting in front, his childhood friend Tara.

" Dhru, sit still. See how much it is bleeding . Let me tend to it" she admonished him with a glare

For him, this pain is nothing compared to the hearwrenching one in his heart but he never let it out. Festering it inside has led it to create a void in his soul. All emotions dying leaving  behind anger and pain, his way of redemption.

If Niranjan commands respect, Dhruvah is feared by all. He is second in command to his brother. His one look is enough to make the enemies kneel while he bows to the one and only Niranjan Suryavanshi.

"How long, Dhru?"

As if an acid has been poured on him , he yanked his hand off from Tara.

His face has took the form of a devil as he replied

" Death and beyond"


Everyone was cheering his success but there is something amiss for him. His heart is screaming the missing puzzle but his mind refused to accept it's need.

"Let it go...Ansh"

As the concerned voice of his wife reached his ears, he gulped down the pain while adorning a mask of indifference.

"You could pull this off with everyone but not with me"

There was a volcano of emotions as he stared into the eyes of the woman who is his everything. 

He is known as RAR, the mysterious sculptor who has taken the art world by storm in the past 4 years. No one knows who he is and he would like to keep it that way.

No...he is not running or hiding but just protecting.

There was a time when he proudly sprouted his name and now he himself dissappears behind these three letters.

"I am aware of every nuances of your heart,Ansh and I know how difficult it is for you without them. If I am your heart , they are the beat.... There have been mistakes from both sides but don't you think it is high time we rectify it"

" Mistakes can be atoned not sins" 

Even though the pain reflected in his voice was as clear as day, so was his resolve. 

As he gathered her in his embrace with a smile, she lamented over the loss of the twinkle in it.

In becoming RAR, he somewhere lost himself. She has however kept Ansh alive but their Chotu .....

Looking at the twinkling stars, she wished fervently ,

" Please give back his identity, his existence,  his name....RUDRANSH SURYAVANSHI"

"Don't wish for the impossible "

His voice interrupted her thoughts. She was not surprised that he read her. It was always like that with them. They never needed words.

"Impossible also says I' M POSSIBLE  and this is my belief that one day I will be known to all as NANDHINI RUDRANSH SURYAVANSHI"


He was a kid when life took a 180 degree turn. Now at the brink of adulthood, he understood what he lost that day.

He gets every morning with a hope but at the end it gets shattered.

For him his Bhaiya is everything....His saviour....his protector while his Bhaiyu is his mentor. Without them he could not have survived one day in this palace but....he missed his crime partner.

He still remembers the first time he entered the palace. The rich tapestry, the majestic decor and the ready for action guards scared him to death.  Everything looked fake to him until his eyes clashed with three pairs of eyes.

Eventhough one held warmth and the other was ever welcoming, still it was daunting for a 10 year old facing two grown men. Only the third pair provided him with at least a miniscule of comfort , eyes of his Bhai , mischievous as ever.

It took him a while but once it did, he didn't hold back. Along with Bhai, he made sure that his presence was known to both his bhaiyas each single moment.

If it was like olden days, by now their hair would have turned grey.

After that cursed day, bhaiya has lost his smile, bhaiyu lost his spark and we all lost bhai.


If he closed his eyes, he could still hear his bhai calling him. How he wished to turn the clock back but alas, what is written cannot be erased but still he does not loose hope.

Only one in the whole palace, who is challenging destiny to pay it's due. After all he is OMKAR SURYAVANSHI, who has never learned to give up.

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