Chapter 34

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As the chant increased, the fight between the adversaries also intensified.

But out of the two, one stands out, not because of the mask covering his face but because of the raging fire in his eyes. The eyes which is on a rampage to destroy.


The crowd gasped at the omnious sound of bones breaking as one went down.

In that stunned silence, the masked figure, stood there with not even an ounce of satisfaction over his victory.

The sarcastic smirk on lips and the murder in his eyes was ample proof for why he is called THE COBRA, the most dangerous among the underground street fighters.

Kicking past his opponent, he moved away without even waiting to collect his winnings. Before anyone could comprehend his next action, he was gone with the wind, as always.....


With a spliting headache, Dhru woke up. He looked around in confusion at the place.

It was as isolated as a place could be. Though the sun was scorching on his back , the crashing waves provided both coolness to the air as well as to his soul.

Being not in any urgency, Dhru sat on the heated sand, experiencing the cold water frequently washing over his feet.

" Aargh...."

Dhru hissed in pain as the icy water lashed onto his hand. It was for the first time, after he woke up, his eyes fell on it.

The blood had long dried up but the cut this time was very deep. It may need stitches.

With a sardonic smile, he got up and made his move towards the water. When he reached knee deep , he immersed himself in the chilly salt water.

Dhru closed his eyes to the pain as the bite of the salt was felt throughout his body. His body slashed with fresh wounds was further refreshed as salt made it's presence known.

He remained in the water until a numbness began to creep in and after a while, he began moving towardsthe shore. At the same time, he could see from the cornerof his eyes, his security head ,walking upto him.

Without a word, Dhru was passed a fresh set of clothes.

"You visited the cave again"

Dhru acknowledged the reminder with a nod. The composure of his head of security is evident enough that his secret is still safe.

The cave.... his escape from reality as he remembered the happenings of last night.

" Can you please leave me alone..."

The words he uttered to Sadhavi reverberated in his head , hammering the headache further.

He could still see the tears glistening in her eyes and that moment he felt like the lowest of the scum.

Not trusting himself, he had left immediately to the one place which gave him relief.

His Cave....The Cobra's Cave

It is now nearly an year that he is finding sadistic pleasure in underground fighting.

Whenever he finds himself loosing his control, he finds a way to the place to get back his sanity through pain.

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