Chapter 40

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It's been a week that the elders have arrived at the palace.

It will be an understatement if said that it didn't bring a change in the atmosphere.

But even with all the civility and protocols in place, the buzzing excitement couldn't be dimmed. After all it is the coronation ceremony of their beloved Prince in a week's time.

" Dhriti..."

As expected of the future queen, Dhriti walked over to where Reva were sitting among her group of social butterflies.

" Namaste " she wished them with a forced smile.

Already they were exhausted, both mentally and physically, with the upcoming coronation and the present situation they are in, that she didn't have much energy left  to play niceties to the gossip club.

But the need of the hour prevented her from saying anything untoward towards them.

Niranjan had wanted to postpone the coronation indefinitely until they sort out the mess but thinking about the wagging tongues they put that idea to rest and frankly they also needed something to celebrate even if it is for  a short period of time.

"You must be so excited" one lady commented as she neared them.

" that even a question....afterall she is going to be the queen" came another's one swift response.

With a polite smile stretched across her lips, she acknowledged every statement as expected with an elegant nod.

But the remarks  didn't stop there.

" we have to be very careful....Your bahu is going to become the most powerful lady soon... Beware of her, Reva" another one uttered bringing chuckles all around.

More than the words ,it was the way in which it was said that brought a frown on Dhriti's face.

"With all due respect Aunty, it is not about power but responsibility and I don't need a title to carry it out." She couldn't stop herself from retorting.

All the ladies immediately fell silent at her response. They stared at her tongue tied under her frosty stare and confident stance.

Reva was beside herself hearing Dhriti.

She took it upon as an insult to herself.

"But it doesn't hurt to have the title, haina, Dhriti?" She asked with gritted teeth, trying to put her in her place.

Others snickered at the obvious taunt directed towards Dhriti

But before she could give a proper reply, the ladies having their composure regained,  surrounded the lioness like a herd of wolves.

"Sahi bola, Reva....." the vicious one of the lot commented.

Then turning towards Dhriti she continued,

" By the way, Dhriti, you speak so much about responsibilities, so don't you think it is high time you fulfill the one you are meant to do" she ended scornfully.

Dhriti had an idea what she was hinting at. Though her heart was racing a mile a minute, still she put on a calm face before asking in a cold voice,

" What do you mean?"

" Don't act innocent, Dhriti.....We are asking when you are fulfilling the duty of giving a heir to the kingdom" she asked venomously

Never expecting such a direct attack, Dhriti paled at the hit.

The pain as usual, was instant. Slicing through every pore of her body. It took all that in her to stand upright even when she wanted to curl and howl in agony.

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