Chapter 26

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A relief coursed through his body as he felt a familiar set of arms wrap around him.

With eyes closed, he turned around and hugged Dhriti to his heart's content.

The past few hours have been not less than a rollercoaster ride but Niranjan had stood strong for his family.

Now inside the four walls of his haven , he can now let go of his fear a, secure in the knowledge that his wife will be there to hold him on.

As Dhriti's hand caressed him gently on his back , Niranjan could feel the knots of tension loosening up.

Being the crown prince, he was always taught to never reveal his emotions and the only people he could be at least himself was his brothers but even then he couldn't show them his vulnerability.

In being Niranjan Suryavanshi,  the crown prince and Bhaiya to his brothers, Niranjan, the person got lost somewhere. He himself was not aware of it until Dhriti entered his life.

For the first time in his life, he was able to let go of himself and his emotions without the fear of

If he is the foundation of his family then she is the pillar of that foundation.....

As soon as Dhriti felt the calmness in Niranjan, she directed him to their bed. Her lap providing him the solace and comfort , his agitated soul was craving.

Weaving her fingers through his hair, she asked

" Want to talk?"

Her gentle voice like a serene breeze reached his ears.

Knowing Dhriti , he know she will never pressurize him to talk but will wait till he is ready and this is one of her quality which had most endeared him to her.

Releasing an exhausted sigh, he cuddled further into her like a child craving for his mother's warmth and grumbled

"I am tired"

A chuckle escaped from Dhriti hearing the child like complaint.

"Don't you think you are becoming worse than Prince?"

Hearing her, he turned around to look at her angelic face.

With raised eyebrows and a naughty smirk, he proved it to her, he was indeed Ansh's brother.

"Me.... and....naughty..... I think you are mistaking me for Chotu" he said it  as innocently as possible while making himself more comfortable in her lap and closed his eyes.

But sensing the sudden silence, he opened his one eye to see his wife glaring at him.

" What?"

" My Ansh.... and .... naughty.....Impossible....You are unnecessarily tainting his name ....Bechara..." she stated sympathetically

Niranjan scoffed

"Bechara and Ansh don't go together in one sentence, Madam....You dont know him....Only I know how much of a prankster he is.... Just multiply Prince 10 times.... Where do you think our dear Prince have learned all his antics?" he spoke in a flow.

Dhriti couldn't resist the smile breaking out on her lips.

"Welcome back, Ranjan "

Niranjan was taken aback by the statement.

Seeing her husband's baffled look,Dhriti pinched his cheeks lovingly.

His scrunched eyebrows and lopsided curve to his lips making him more attractive to her than ever.

" Ouch....Pati Shoshan....doesn't suit you , my future queen"

His words only served to increase the joy in her heart.

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