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The dining room was already set up for dinner that night, Draco took his seat beside his mother leaving Hermione to sit beside Bella and across from Andromeda and Tonks. Swallowing hard she sat down in her seat and waited for the elves to serve dinner. "So Mione, Draco tells us that you are thinking about going into the ministry after Hogwarts, and hope to run for Minister one day." Tonks exclaimed happily. "Run for minister? Really?" Bella asked. "Yes, I figured I'd work for the Ministry from a few years, get some changes under my belt prior to running." Hermione stated. "Changes? What sort of changes?" Andromeda asked.

"Hermione wants to find a way to integrate muggle medicine and healers at both Mungos and some muggle hospitals. Personally I think it's a bloody brilliant idea!" Draco stated. "Really? That does sound like a great idea! Brava Minster Granger!" Andromeda exclaimed just as the elves appeared with dinner. Hermione was thankful to see the food arrive, it would give her a chance not to talk to anyone. She could just concentrate on eating her food then having Draco show her to her room.

However that plan didn't work as Bella began a conversation about school. "And it's an actual toss up between Hermione here and Draco, for the school speaker." Bella stated. Everyone was shocked at this news. "Congratulations both of you!" Tonks stated with a smile. As dinner went on the conversation flowed naturally between the six of them. By the time dessert came around Hermione was getting sleepy. "Hermione dear would you like to go upstairs?" Cissy asked.

"No, I'll be alright, just a little sleepy." She replied softly. "Oi come on Granger, I'll show you to your room." Draco stated. "Sit Draco, I'll take Hermione up to her room, I too am sleepy as well." Bella replied. "Oh it's ok, I'm sure I can find my way." Hermione replied trying to get out of being alone with Bella. "Oh come on now Hermione, I insist." Bella replied as she stood up and waited for the brunette to follow.

After bidding everyone a good night Hermione followed the older witch through the house and up the stairs. "You're near me, just down this hallway last door on the right. Mine's right across the hall. I had you put here because of the walls in these rooms are filled with books, and I know you have a love for books." Bella explained as she opened the dark wooden door. The room was decorated just as one would think, with silver and green, except for the bed which was black. "Thank you for showing me here. I'll be ok now, if you want to go to bed." Hermione stated. "I'm ok, how about I help you unpack some of your things?" Bella asked as she went to get into the smaller trunk. "NO!" Hermione yelled out. "No? What's in here Hermione? Panties?" Bella asked teasingly.

"Here, you can hang these up, I'll put this up later." Hermione replied blushing profusely as she spoke. The pair set about hanging up Hermione's dresses, shirts, and pants while talking with one another. "So the Ministry? Why not comeback to Hogwarts and become a professor? You know McGonagall is planning on retiring this summer to focus on being headmistress. You'd be a brilliant professor. Just something to think about." Bella replied as they finished. "I'm not sure if I would or not. I know I'd have a whole room to myself with a kitchen and everything, but if I did that I'd also want to be head of Gryffindor too, so I could have a room with a view." Hermione replied.

"Well, I'm going to go to bed, unless there's something else you'd like from me?" Bella asked looking into the honey colored eyes of the younger witch. "I think I'll be fine now." Hermione replied swallowing hard. "Ok, remember I'm right across the hall if you need me." With that Bella disappeared out the door.

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