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After a long day of shopping everyone was now back at Black Manor. Hermione was in her room wrapping gifts for everyone and sending off the ones to her friends with the owls. She hid all the gifts in her closet before heading down to the dining room for dinner with the family. Seated next to Bella again as dinner began. "Did everyone have fun today?" Cissy asked looking  around the table. "Yes, it was quite nice to get to know Hermione better." Andy said with a smile. "Yea, it was fun." Hermione added with a half smile.

Bella this and put her hand on the young witches thigh. "Thanks again for letting me use the family owls." Hermione said. "Oh dear, you're more than welcome." Cissy replied with a smile. "How many N.E.W.T.S are you taking Mione?" Dora asked. "Seven." She replied with a smile. "Seven? Merlin Mione! That's a lot, wont you be exhausted with all that studying?" Dora asked. "Not really, I know the information already so I'm not worried about them. Besides Draco's taking seven too. All the same ones I'm taking actually. Most of the seventh years are taking seven N.E.W.T.S, unless you're Ron. He's only taking five. The ones needed to become an auror." Hermione stated.

"He wants to become an auror?" Draco asked. "Yea." Hermione replied rolling her eyes. Bella couldn't help but laugh at this. "Bella it's not funny. I'm sure Ronald can become an auror just as easily as anyone else." Andy replied trying to stifle her own laugh. "It is kind of funny. Especially when you've seen his performance in his classes." Draco exclaimed causing the whole table to burst out in laughter.

After dinner Hermione went to her room to relax a bit and to also try sleeping in her bed. Now she was getting undressed for a hot bath, when the door opened up to her room. "I'll be out in a few minutes!" Hermione called. "No need to worry about it pet, it's just me!" Bella called as she walked into the bathroom to see Hermione in the bathtub covered with bubbles. "Care to join me?" Hermione asked looking at the older witch. "Of course pet." Bella cooed as she quickly discarded her clothing and sank into the tub behind Hermione.

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