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Later that afternoon Hermione walked the empty corridors heading to the headmistress office for the first staff meeting. She let out a sigh as she passed places that held special memories for her. Soon she stood on the steps that lead to McGonagall's office. She already heard talking as she walked up the stairs. Once she entered the room she was quickly taken in a hug by Neville Longbottom. "Hey Mione! I heard your back as the Transfiguration professor and head of Gryffindor house! Congratulations!" He exclaimed happily. "Thank Neville. How's Herbology going?" Hermione asked. "It's great! I love it! We need to have lunch together before school starts, catch up." He replied as they parted. Hermione took a seat next to him and glanced around the room seeing Bella sitting in a chair.

Hermione avoided eye contact and prepared to hear what McGonagall had to say. "Welcome everyone! I'd like to welcome our newest staff member. She's a former cub of mine and I managed to get her to come back to take over as head of Gryffindor house and as the new Transfiguration professor!" McGonagall stated as Hermione stood up and awkwardly smiled and waved at everyone before sitting down again. "Congratulations Miss Granger! I knew you were bound to be a professor!" Flitwick squeaked. "Thank you professor." Hermione replied with a smile.

Once the meeting was over Hermione made haste to leave with Neville on her tail. "Hey..I heard about Astoria...I'm sorry." He said as they walked along. "It's fine. It's been two years. I am well over it. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna finish unpacking my things and feed my cat." Hermione replied. "Oh ok. I'll meet you for dinner then." He replied before walking away. Hermione whispered her password and walked into her rooms.

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