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Hermione was heading to her rooms when she heard someone calling her name. She turned around to see Bella walking her way. "Hey Bella!" Hermione called out as she stopped walking. "What did Severus want?" Bella asked. "Oh to see if I'd sit in on a few potions classes that he's gonna have Abbigail teach." Hermione replied. "Oh?" Bella asked. "Yea, he said I was one person who knew how he teaches potions best and he wanted to have me give an option on how Abbigail's teaching style thats all." Hermione replied. "Oh? How is your new roommate doing?" Bella asked. "Good, she's always busy with Snape so I only see her in the evenings why do you ask?" Hermione asked.

"Just curious. Do you have plans for tonight?" Bella asked. "No why?" Hermione asked. "Well how about you come over to my rooms for drinks after dinner." Bella suggested. "Sure!" Hermione replied with a smile. "Ok, I'll see you around seven." Bella stated. "Sounds good! I'll see you then." Hermione replied as she continued walking down the corridor. "Hermione!" Abbigail called out. "Hey Abbigail! How's it going?" Hermione asked. "I'm great! Say...I was wondering...are you seeing anyone?" Abbigail asked. "No why?" Hermione asked. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me?" Abbigail asked. "Uh...like on a date?" Hermione asked. "Yes..." Abbigail replied. "I'll think about it." Hermione replied. "Of course Hermione, take all the time you want to think about it." Abbigail replied.

After dinner was done Hermione headed to Bella's room for drinks. "Where are you going Hermione?" Abbigail asked. "I'm gonna go have drinks with Bella." Hermione replied. "Oh...will you be back tonight?" Abbigail asked. "Yea...why?" Hermione asked. "Cause we could hang out when you get back..." Abbigail replied. "Well...I'm gonna go.." Hermione replied as she walked away.

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