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Hermione heads back into the pub and quickly takes her seat next to Astoria. "Hey! What was that about?" Astoria asked. "Dora just wanted to tell me something, that's all." Hermione replied with a smile. Astoria passed her a sandwich and they began eating. "This is really nice, just you and me." Astoria added. "Yes it is. I'm having a great time." Hermione replied as she put an arm around Astoria's waist. They finished their meal and continued talking for a few more minutes before heading back out to continue their date.

The two of them walked hand in hand around the village stopping in various shops buying different things. "Would you like to walk out to the shrieking shack?" Astoria asked. "Sure!" Hermione replied with a smile. The walk to the old shack was a short one but that didn't matter to them they just talked about random things. Once they got there they took a moment to look at the shack before sitting down on the grass under a tree.

Astoria kept eying Hermione closely before reaching over and putting a hand on the brunette's thigh. "Theres something you should know Mione..." Astoria began. "What is it?" Hermione asked. "I've never been with anyone." Astoria replied softly. "Oh...ok. I won't pressure you into anything Astoria, I promise." Hermione replied with a smile. The two of them sat there for a moment before Astoria went to get up and stumbled on a rock causing her to fall on Hermione's lap. "Oh gosh! I'm sorry." Astoria exclaimed nervously.

Hermione didn't mind at all. Instead she liked this new situation. Wrapping her arms around Astoria and pulled her into a kiss catching her off guard. Astoria began kissing her back as Hermione licked her bottom lip asking for permission which Astoria quickly gave allowing Hermione's tongue to enter her mouth. Astoria wrapped her arms around Hermione's neck pulling herself close to the Gryffindor.

After a few long minutes they pulled apart to catch their breaths. Smiling at each other they quickly got up and walked back towards the castle still giggling to one another. All the while Bella watched from the Astronomy tower with a scowl on her face and a broken heart in her chest.

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