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The boat ride across the lake was filled with nostalgia and some tears. It's how they arrived at the castle, so it made sense that this would be their final send off from the castle. Bella watched from the shore while Hermione and Astoria floated across the lake holing each other in their arms. "That's it then..." She whispered to herself as she turned around and walked back towards the castle still holding back the tears.

On the other side of the lake everyone got out of the boats and headed to the train, for the last time as students. The train was empty since all the other students had to stay for another week before getting released for the summer. The now smaller friend group sat in one compartment all together as the train rattled down the tracks getting further and further away from Hogwarts. "Feels strange doesn't it?" Hermione asked looking at everyone. "Yes it does. But a good strange." Draco replied. "Yea definitely. Soon we'll all be doing our own different things. But let's make a promise! A promise that we will come back to..." Astoria took a moment to think of a place. "To The Three Broomsticks! Once a month! We'll meet there, talk about our lives thus far, and order drinks and eat fish and chips." Pansy added. "Sounds good to me! We can start next month!" Harry stated.

"Ok! It's set then! Next month we'll all meet up in Hogsmead Village. Let's say the fourteenth?" Hermione suggested. "I can make it!" Everyone chimed in. "Wonderful! It's set then every month on the fourteenth we meet there and talk." Ron stated as the train began to slow down to a stop. "Well this is it guys..." Hermione whispered as they looked out the window. "Yep...last time on the Hogwarts Express together." Harry added. "Let's take a photo! To commemorate our last ride together." Pansy stated pulling out her magical camera.

The camera floated in the air as everyone grouped together in the compartment and smiled as the flash went off a few times. "I'll send these out as soon as they're developed. Come on...no sense in waiting any longer...it's time to go..." Pansy added. "Yea..." Everyone replied softly as they walked off the train for the last time. There was no luggage to get, no pets to retrieve, nothing just an empty platform.

After one last hug they began making their way through the barrier where they waited to meet up again. "Ok...well..." Hermione whispered. "Yea.." Harry replied. "Uhh.." Draco sighed. "Yep..." Ron whispered. "Ok....ummm.." Pansy whispered. "It's time we should..." Astoria stated. "Yep...keep in touch won't you lot?" Draco asked. "Definitely mate! See you at uh...auror training." Ron stated. "Yea..see you there." Harry replied as he pulled the blonde and redhead wizard in for a hug. Hermione pulled Pansy and Astoria into a tight hug. "Ok...it's time...be safe out there in the world." Hermione said. "You too Granger.." Draco replied.

They all separated and began walking off in different directions. "Where too now Mione?" Astoria asked. "My flat." Hermione suggested. "Oh..." Astoria replied. "You have to go home huh?" Hermione asked. "Yea.." Astoria replied. "That's ok." Hermione replied as they separated. "I'll see you later?" Astoria asked. "If you can get away.." Hermione stated as she flagged down a cab.

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