Chapter 66

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Alduin's claw slammed down into the Earth as he cautiously watched Thanos. The mad titan also looked like he was considering his chances.

But, considering the fact that there were many of subordinates watching behind him, he could not back down or else he would look like a coward. A burden of a lord, whether good or bad.

She herself, could not join the fight as of this moment. It would be no exaggeration to say that a normal person would have died many times over with the number of injuries she is currently sustaining.

She still had several souls to burn but she needed an active soul that has just gone deceased to accelerate it. She could burn Yhorm's soul, but she holds no desire to burn anyone from Lordran. They have suffered enough.

A good thing was that the soul did not even have to be strong. She could have killed a random insect to just get an active soul, but the problem was there was no living things nearby other than her allies and the mad titan.

She looked over at the two everlasting dragons. They immediately understood what she was trying to say. Falkor flew first to attract cannons to his way while Selph carried her immediately and flew to the spaceships.

If there were no living things around to burn, she simply has to go for the presents Thanos brought for her. The mad titan noticed this and threw over his blade. Despite the fact that he would be bare-handed, he held no qualms.

Of course, the flying blade was easily shot down by Selph. Alduin wasn't sitting still either. He dug his claws into the ground and lifted it up. Entire acres of land all around him flew to the sky. That included the mad titan who seemed so insignificant in the face of an eternal being.

He then swung his tails around, reducing everything that flew up to rubble. Thanos, however, only flew out. He was then greeted by dragon breath to his face. Normally, that should have been more than enough to kill the mad titan. After all, he resembled doll being thrashed around.

But the mad titan has already started regenerating. She could sense cosmic energy gathering in him strengthening him and enchanting his every capability. He stretched his hands out and recalled his blade. He jumped up and went straight to battle with the raging dragon.

Selph and Falkor however, had begun their rampage among the vulnerable spaceships. Thor followed around and Loki was nowhere to be seen. Given his history with Thanos, it was understandable.

Siegward however could not help anymore. After all, his oath has been fulfilled and he was but a mere spirit. Even if he wanted to help, all his attacks would just pass over the living ones.

So, he was just merely sitting down watching them. He was now just waiting to have final words with the keeper before finally going on his way.

As the two dragons kept ramming into spaceships, many different forms of beings flew all over them. Among them was a giant alien that resembled an ape. She grabbed it while still flying.

She used both hands to lift it above her and tear it in half. Its soul was mediocre, but it was enough. The blood and guts that rained down onto her from its torn torso signaled her recovery.

She could finally join the battle against Thanos. Alduin was already starting to fade. After all, only part of him was teleported over. She could not transfer him in his entire might all the way from across the universe. He was only a temporary help.

Of course, he only started fading because of the fact that he was fighting against the overlord of the universe. He joined the two others in rampaging among the spaceships.

"We'll talk later.", he gave her an okay sign in a bored expression before flying up and joining in the 'playing with the ships' game. Where he learnt that gesture, she would later find out. All the everlasting dragons could be clearly seeing doing it with glee.

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