Chapter Twenty Three- Attack of a plagued wolf

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23. Attack of a plagued wolf

"This is outrageous!, this is the third attack in one week, yet nothing has been done, rather we talking about a werewolf turning into a witch" Councilman Bailey yelled at the top of his voice , banging his hand on the table before him.

The entire council room was in a uproar

"Silence councilman Bailey, the priestess does not lie on this matter" King Kaden warned, it was obvious that he was fed up with councilman Bailey's tantrum.

"I do not say that she lies but are we to believe her stories, it has never been heard of a werewolf becoming a witch, our ancestors never spoke of such atrocities" Bailey defended

"And our ancestors has never met the kinds like the priestess here getting a mate, times has clearly changed it is better we wake up to that reality now" Kaden spoke up causing the entire room to gasp in surprise, murmuring filled the room.

"It is true. I am the Reed and I am the mate of Priestess Althea" I was surprised by Reed making a stance to defend my truth, I was thankful but it was clear that this councilman was trying to look for faults in my words.

"And we are to believe this as well, there is no prove of that, she might have used her powers to manipulate the bond" another councilman spoke up, councilman Bailey chuckles, my fingers twitched, few weeks ago I was just like them, I had also thought that the bond between Reed and I had been manipulated by a witch, people really do not believe what they do not see and the bond between Reed and I could not be seen by them, they would not understand.

"They seem to have forgotten that we are not fools neither are we children" Councilman Bailey spat

"Enough Councilman Bailey!" another councilman spoke up, he seemed to have more upper hand than this Bailey of a man.

Bailey snorted, "I am only trying to make reasoning here, our people are being attacked but I am certain that it is not a hand of a werewolf turned witch, we have to investigate this matter thoroughly and not dwell on cock and bull stories"

"You seem to have forgotten your position Councilman Bailey, perhaps if I had ripped out your throat when you once spoke out of turn I would not have to deal with you right now" Kaden spat, it was obvious that he was trying his best to bear with the man, he was king now and it was expected of him to not act on impulse at every given opportunity and that I understood.

Bailey gulped in fear "My King, it-it is not possible that a werewolf would corrupt her soul"

"Like all werewolves are pure of souls" Nadine spoke up a little louder than she should have, The entire room turned their gaze on her, Bailey face contorted into a frown.

"You should not be here witch!" He spat in disgust

"And you should learn to use your brain, your people are in grave danger yet you are concerned about the righteousness of your kind, wolf man evil dwells in all kinds of creatures" Nadine fired back, I spared her glance to hold her peace and she frowned but she became silent.

"My King!" Bailey whined

Kaden sighs "Have you seat Bailey, she is here to help"

"With all due respect my king, I cannot sit in the same place as this vile creatures, for all we know she and her people might have plotted this all—" he stopped abruptly and he released a cough, black blood burst out of mouth stunning everyone in the council room, his eyes began turning black and red and he had already began growling. The councilman around him scurried up to their feet watching him intensely , the council room was now in disarray as confusion sets in as Bailey bones began to break in a disfiguring manner

"Althea is that—" Nadine spoke up

"Yes, he is plagued" I completed "Step away from him, this man is plagued, Now!"

The councilmen scurried away from him immediately, Bailey was almost fully transformed, Kaden was already on his feet standing defensively in front of his mate.

"Don't worry, I will handle this" I said to the King as I jumped away from where I was standing to the plagued wolf. Before he is able to fully transform I placed my hand on head ready to dispel the magic though it will cost him his life, there was never a way to save a plagued wolf, but before I could he surprised me by throwing me across the room landing painfully at the ground, he growled loudly, he has fully transformed.

Reed rushed over to me immediately "Are you fine?" He asked worriedly, "Let us handle this" he added, Kaden was ready to pounce on him but I stopped them "No!, I have to do this" if I can not take down a single plagued wolf how do I hope to defeat my mother, this was all her doing, and I know this one would be stronger than the one Williams created.

The plagued wolf held his gaze on me, it was obvious what he was here for, he was here for me and me alone and anyone that will come in his way would suffer a painful death. I stood up from the ground angrily, I waved my hand in the air summoning my magic and just like that, I held the plagued wolf in his throat, strangling him, he was growling in pain while I continued my chanting, I pulled his body towards me and just in a twinkle of an eye, I snapped his neck, his body dropped down lifeless and most of the wolves in the room gasped, but I was not done, a plagued wolf is never fully dead until the witch behind him is killed or the body is set on fire, I immediately severed the head from the body, setting the body on fire with my magic, I held on to the head, this was my mother's doing and I know that she would have a message for me.

I closed my eyes and chant some spells and after some while everything in the room disappeared and my mother appeared out of the shadows adorned in a black dress, her hair cascading down her back.

"Bailey was a bit of a talkative but he was quite easy to manipulate, the fool could not resist the warmth of a young looking body though he has a mate, yet he spoke of righteousness of the wolves, how pathetic" she chuckled.

"You need to end this right this minute, this is madness mother" I yelled

She laughs manically "End this!, End this you say?. Oh my dear child, this is only the beginning" she caresses my cheeks, I jumped away from her feeling disgusted by her touch and she fakes a wince "You know, I still extend my hand to you, join me and let's take this world together, we can rule side by side"

"I have no desire in ruling the world" I replied

"Then you are a fool, but I understand, not everyone is destined and born for greatness, it is a shame that you did not take after me in that, it is like your father's genes has poisoned your blood " she said with a sinister smile.

"And you were born for this?" I gritted in between my teeth.

"Absolutely, my child. Otherwise I would not have come this far."

"You are hurting people. Those missing pack members what did you do to them, where you are keeping them" I demanded

"Tsk, tsk, be calm my child, you bother yourself too much, I simply gave them power and they loved it" she said nonchalantly

"You are purposely snatching families from families and turning them into monsters for your own greed!" I yelled out in anger

"And you think my family was not snatched away from me, my family tossed me out when they found out I was with child and that the Alpha son had rejected me, they had lived cowardly lives but at that moment they acted so boldly, how pathetic. I am your mother Althea and believe it or not I have also sacrificed for you as well"

"Yes, by trying to kill me" I responded

"I gave you Fia, you should be grateful!" She yelled out in annoyance, I gawked at her in confusion what did she mean by that, how could she have given me Fia, I found Fia myself as a child.

"What do you mean by that, I am not in the mood for your games," I said

"Neither am I, but that doesn't change the fact that Fia is your half sister and I gave her to you" she revealed and immediately it felt like a bucket of water had been poured on me. What?.

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