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I took a week off from work to be with Sweet.

On Monday morning, Sweet and I rode a chopper to Dansville. I wanted to check out the town, see the spots that mean something to her, and meet the people she knows. But the main thing on the agenda was meeting Sweet's family and telling them about our relationship.

Honestly, I was so nervous about meeting them. Especially her dad, who's been hostile to me since we first met. However, I need to focus on what's important. I love Sweet so much and really hope to get along with her family.

"I have something to tell you all. Sebastian is my boyfriend now."

Sweet and I were in their living room, holding hands while she told her family the news. They didn't utter a single word and just kept staring at us. It seemed like they were completely surprised.

Their silence freaked me out even more. I was sweating like crazy. I felt so down when Sweet's dad got up and left.

"Sorry about that," Sweet said to me.

"No worries. I get how he feels." I assured her, "I'll talk to him."

"No. He needs to cool off before we talk to him. He'll come around, just give it time."

At the end of the day, he still gave me the cold treatment. He acted as if I didn't exist. I figured he's not the type to let things go.

That's my clue. I better not do anything to tick him off again.

I was really grateful that Sweet's mom, Evelyn, and her sister, Erin, were so warm and welcoming. Evelyn made a bomb potato salad for me. Not her usual one, 'cause she knew I'm not a fan of too much mayo. Instead, she made a potato salad dressed in lemon vinaigrette.

"Thanks a lot, Evelyn. This potato salad is absolutely amazing. I can't get enough of this, seriously."

"Aw, I'm glad you like it, Sebastian. You're right, this is the better alternative. I'm only gonna be making this salad dressing from now on."

Erin was curious about A.I.'s and creating robots. She asked me questions for her science project and I was glad to give her all the info I had. I invited her and her classmates to join the regular open tour in our plant and meet the A.I. engineers who could provide her more details.

Making a connection takes time and effort. Especially since it got off to a bad start. But I was certain I could make things better. I just need to try my very best.

The next day, I went back to Dansville to hang out with Sweet. Her dad, Chris, was still giving me the cold shoulder. It's gonna take some time, unfortunately. But I have to be patient. Someday, he'll learn to forgive me completely.

I helped Sweet with her farm chores, sorting out the bad potatoes and putting them in a sack. I hauled the sacks to their front yard for the buyer to pick up.

Chris saw me carrying the potatoes and said.

"You don't have to lower yourself just to please me. No matter what you do, my opinion of you won't change."

"Yeah, I know." I nodded. "I'm not doing this for you, but for me and Sweet. I wanna be by her side and help her out with her workload."

He shot me a hostile glare and then took off.

It went on and on for three days. He treated me the same way. He was straight up, ignoring me and giving me a hostile stare. But on Friday afternoon, I was totally surprised. He asked me to grab a drink with him at a little hut by the farm after dinner.

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