Chapter Eleven - He Has Problems. Deep Psychological Problems.

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There is an almost shocking amount of dialogue in this, but I don't care. I needed some of their banter to lighten my rather pesimistic mood. :( I tried uploading last night but it wouldn't let me. Something to do with an invalid story title. Stupid Wattapd, being silly in the tenh minutes I had to upload.

Chapter Eleven – He Has Problems, Deep Psychological Problems.

“You know, a few weeks you didn’t know I existed.” Rhys mused, looking philosophical over the bagel he was messily eating. Butter dribbled down his chin and he ignored it. He was such a slob, it hurt my delicate eyes.

“You know, if you ate properly you’d get laid every once in a while.” Tyson pointed out, while eating his bagel with a knife and fork. He was such a neat freak, it hurt my delicate eyes.

“You know, if you stopped being such a sissy and eating a fricking bagel with a knife and fork I would marry you.” Miranda argued, arching an eyebrow at Tyson. She was such an epic person, it hurt my delicate eyes.

“You know, if you all stopped being such idiots and repeating everything you all would have social lives.” Maggie giggled, apparently thinking that she was hilarious. She was so cute, it hurt my delicate eyes.

“You know, if you stopped trying to be a grown up and played in dirt and thought boys had cooties you’d fit in with the girls down the road.” Rhys teased Maggie, swiping half her bagel.

“You know, if you stopped eating Maggie’s food, you wouldn’t be such a Fatty McFatass. And boys don’t have cooties, only herpes. Especially Rhys, he has had herpes since he was a four year old.” I retorted, feeling defensive of Maggie. She thought God had a fungal toe nail infection. She was misguided enough already.

“Phssssss, shut up, Annie. I’m God’s gift to women, I’m the sexiest beast alive, you beg for me to share my herpes with you, admit it.” Rhys snorted, puffing out his chest. Maggie collapsed in a fit of giggles and fell off her chair with a dull thud. She rolled under the table, her lithe body disappearing. Rhys peeked under the table, before reappearing with Maggie in his arms.

He was a good brother; there was no doubt about it. His ego was huge though, and a cloud of secrets followed him around cryptically. And it was slowly pissing me off; I was the only one here who didn’t know what was going on, what had happened before.

“I want your herpes the day I’m the pope.”

“You didn’t tell me you were being ordained!”

“I’m not.”

“You are, you’ll have my herpes the day you get ordained. That’s soon, you can’t resist me.”

“Shut up and eat your bagel.”

“Shut up and share my herpes.”

“You don’t have herpes.”

“That’s what you think.”







“I’m going, Rhys. You’re being stupid.”

“Wait, you’re forgetting something!”


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