Chapter Twenty-Two - "Really, Annie? Never Would Have Guessed." (Pic of Rhys)

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The chapter you've all been waiting for, ladies and no gentlemen! :D Hehe, I won't ruin the surprise and tell you what exactly you were waiting for. That'd be mean. Right, you had better thank FreedomTruck for this, she told me to do it. I asked and she said to do it. Or she'd flatten me with her hair rollers.

Vote and comment, and don't forget to swoon over Rhys if you're into that kind of thing. :)

Also I had to delete the proper chapter and replace all the naughty words with good words as the original was rated R. The original is going to be posted on my profile separately. :D

Chapter Twenty-Two – “Really, Annie? Wouldn’t Have Guessed.”

I woke up to a pounding in my head, and wearing a weird gown. I blinked a few times confusedly as I took in where I was. Hmm, clean room that smells like vomit, a heart monitor and a jumpy Rhys by the window? Must be a hospital. Then I remembered what had happened, with me falling into the plant pot and ruining the Harry Potter baby prank.

“I’m sorry for ruining your prank.” I spoke, shattering the silence with my hoarse voice. Rhys’s body turned to me, and he sighed in relief before chuckling quietly.

“You crack your head open on a plant pot, and the first thing you say is that you’re sorry for ruining my genius Harry Potter prank? Unbelievable, really. The woman was more surprised about the baby than you bleeding on her doorstep.” Rhys replied, smiling softly.

He moved to sit in the chair beside my bed, which squeaked when he touched it, and I asked the one question I was dying to ask, “Do I still have to go to my support group? And was I seriously hurt?”

“No, you don’t if you don’t want to. And seriously hurt? Well, you have four stitches  on your knee.” Rhys laughed, gesturing to my bandaged knee. On my thigh there was a wad of tape and steri-strips. Lovely.

“Wait, I hurt my head, right?” I frowned, and Rhys nodded amusedly.

“Yes, but you got a lovely pointy rock stuck in your leg when you blacked out. It was quite beautiful actually.” Rhys pondered, and eyed my leg as well.

“And why am I wering a hospital gown? And stop looking at my leg, it’s unsettling.”

“You’re wearing a hospital gown as Tyson insisted on ripping your pants off to see how badly your thigh was hurt. Your pants are still on that woman’s doorstep, I do believe. Then I called an ambulance and when they arrived they questioned why you had no pants on instead of doing anything about your leg. And we end up here; Tyson’s just gone to the bathroom.” Rhys explained, watching me closely.

If anyone had seen us, we must have looked like a right pair. Me with a weird flappy hopsital gown and Rhys squeaking away on his chair while Tyson was relieving his bladder. Baby Harry Potter was perched on the edge of my bed, and I didn’t even question it. I knew better at this stage, this was just the way things were.

“When can I leave?” I thought out loud, and at that exact moment Tyson reappeared.

“When the doctor sees you. They want to talk to you, and then we can go.” Tyson answered, ruffling my hair. “But I have to admit, the footage I got today was epic, thanks.”

We sat in silence, and after a few minutes Rhys offered Tyson his chair, “There you go, it’s your turn for the chair.”

“And what are you going to do, just stand there? Last time that happened, you moaned because your legs were sore.” Tyson snorted, shaking his head but taking the chair any way.

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