Chapter Nineteen - Hey, I Enjoyed It.

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Chapter Nineteen – Hey, I Enjoyed It.

I have to admit, I was feeling closer to Rhys than I ever had. I could see who he really was now, and why he acted the way he did. I knew why he saved that cheeky grin for me, and why he was always touching me in one way or another. When we were eating our breakfast even, he was twirling a strand of my hair around his fingers, when we were packing up the tent; one hand was always lightly looped around my wrist.

It was simply because we understood each other. We were both defenceless against certain things, and fearful of being alone, and being left behind. As long as Rhys was around, I knew he would be there and support me.

So when we were heading back down the mountain, I insisted on him giving me a piggy back. The sudden surge of affection for Rhys was new to me, and I saw Miranda and Tyson raise a few eyebrows at my change in behaviour. Brayden simply watched curiously with a cocky smirk.

“I swear to Jesus, if you slip and bring me down with you, I’m kicking you in the shins with pointy shoes.” I hissed as Rhys’s footing slid a bit as he skidded down the steep slope.

“Well, get off me and walk down yourself.” Rhys laughed, adjusting his grip on my thighs.

“I don’t want to walk down! It’s nice here, and I’m enjoying the view.” I taunted, blowing into his ear as I spoke.

“I still don’t believe you guys aren’t together, I bet you are really. You’re just keeping it from Tyson so he won’t dissect you. We all know how protective you are about her, Rhys. Do you remember that thing last year when Daragh Malvern told everyone he was going to ask Annie out and you said that if he did, you’d knock his teeth out?” Brayden mused, and I felt my jaw drop open.

“Did that really happen, Rhys Brady?! I believe I didn’t even know you then.” I demanded, twisting my neck so I could see his face. He was flushed and shooting daggers at Brayden with his eyes.

“I heard you were his sister, and as his best friend, it was my duty to tell him to back off his little sister. Best friend’s honour, and all that jazz.” Rhys explained with an easy shrug, his eyes begging me to believe him. I mentally scribbled a note to myself, reminding me to check this out fully. I’d ask Miranda later.

“Are you saying that you and Tyson are the reason I haven’t had a date in four years?” I floundered, fighting the urge to kick him.

“Four years? You went on a date when you were eleven?” Rhys retorted, dodging the question completely.

“Yes, and Tyson won’t sit on the sofa we made out on.” I told him, making that bit up. There was no making out to be done. We simply sat on the sofa and held hands, but Tyson insists that some snogging occurred there. Besides, it wasn’t a proper date even.

“I thought you hadn’t had your first kiss yet?” Rhys bit back, an eye brow raised at me. Damn, I was caught out.

“And neither have you, Rhys! Annie was pecked on the cheek, and then the kid drooled on the sofa.” Tyson called out from the front, a tone of amusement in his voice.

“So they sleep together in their underwear but they haven’t kissed yet? What kind of relationship is that?” Brayden piped up from beside me, screwing up his nose in obvious distaste.

“An ideal relationship, you knobs! They’re simply saving it, and Rhys does kiss her the whole time, on the forehead, on the nose, on the cheek. It’s perfect! I want a relationship like that.” Miranda pondered dreamily, a glazed look settling over her eyes.

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