Chapter Twenty Six - Shag Ty Sounds Like Some Kind of Chinese Dish.

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Please, please, please listen to the song in the sidebar! One of my favourites, I admit. :D

Chapter Twenty Six – Shag Ty Sounds Like Some Kind of Chinese Dish.

Rhys was looking apprehensive, and like he had a Hobnob constricting his wind pipe and it wasn’t moving. Bless him, he was starting to sweat as well, but a small smile was peeping out beneath all that.

I stared at the abomination that now decorated my side.

Well. This was interesting.

I didn’t know if I should laugh or punch him.

To look on the bright side, one of my favourite song quotes was included.

To look on the shite side, his face was now on me.

“There’s room for two, six feet under the stars” Was written in loopy calligraphy, and below that stood an anime Rhys, and an anime me. I was looking up at some stars that were drawn in a child-like manner, and Rhys was looking at the little me. The Rhys towered comically over the Annie, and they were wearing what I had noticed were our favourite clothes, the ones we wore most often. The whole piece wasn’t much bigger than the span of my hand, and the vibrant colours clashed with the black outlines of each separate colour.

“So......” Rhys trailed off, fiddling with his fingers uneasily.

“Why the fuck is your face on me?” I spluttered, keeping my eyes trained on the art work that dominated my rib cage.

Though, the more I looked at it, the more it was growing on me. It wasn’t ugly, it wasn’t enough to potentially offend anyone and it wasn’t sickeningly huge. It was cute, in a weird way, it was the right size to show it off, but I still had Rhys’s face on my body forever.

“Well, I’m not quite sure myself why my face is on your body.” Rhys blushed, wincing as he spoke.

“YOU PRICKS! I WANTED TO BE HERE FOR THE GRAND UNVEILING!” Miranda yelped, dumping the bowl of steaming water making it splosh over the sides and onto the wood floor. “Wait, wait, and wait! That’s pretty! It’s so adorable and fits you so well!” Miranda cooed, edging closer and squinting at my side in amazement.

“But his face is tattooed onto my body!” I repeated, hissing so Tyson wouldn’t hear downstairs.

“And?” Miranda snorted, shaking her head.

I didn’t reply. I didn’t know what exactly the problem was with having his face on my body forever. Maybe it was just shock. To be honest, I didn’t actually mind having his face stuck on my body. Maybe I was just making a fuss just to create a scene?

“Cleaning and bepanthen time!” Miranda cheered, trying to lighten the atmosphere slightly. She uncapped the tube and took a step closer to me.

“No, I’ll do it!” Rhys cried out of the blue, and leapt up. He started to slap Miranda’s hands, trying to steal the bepanthen from her. “Get the hell out of my bedroom!” He whined, kicking Miranda’s shin deftly and shoving her out the door way. I snorted, since when was this his bedroom?

Rhys picked up the bowl of warm water, and dipped a finger in it to test it. He seemed satisfied with it, and scurried into my ensuite to grab a towel and a small face cloth. I perched on the edge of the bed, very conscious of the fact I was just standing around in my bra all of a sudden.

Rhys set the bowl of water down on the bedside cabinet, not even glancing at me, “If you don’t like it, just say so.” He stated as he dipped the face cloth into the water and squeezed the excess out of it. Rhys crouched down and began to dap at my fresh tattoo gently. I gritted my teeth at a dull thudding pain rocked me wherever he touched.

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