Chapter 27 - How About You Watch Pokémon With Me Sometime?"

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Chapter Twenty-Seven –  How About You Watch Pokémon With Me Sometime?”

“You only cook when you’re trying to get something from me, or in an extremely good mood,” Annie frowned suspiciously, her face clouded with thought. I laughed quickly, the happy sound bubbling from my lips and causing her to raise her eyebrows, “Okay, Rhys, you’re scaring me now.” She stated, nervously nibbling on her bottom lip.

I continued to chop this green leafy stuff I found in the fridge, all I knew was that it smelt nice. So I decided to just throw that in the omelette I had started to make in a moment of generosity and thoughtfulness. And all I get back from Annie is suspicion and queer looks? She is the root of my good mood, she should at least have some notion over why I’m cooking on a weekday at half eight in the morning.

I should still be sleeping, actually.

Annie yawned loudly, and shot me a dirty look she must have thought I wouldn’t see.

“I saw that.” I quipped, and Annie pulled a mocking face that I wasn’t supposed to see again. I just ignored her. She loves me, so therefore she can’t get too mad at me. I smiled to myself as I hacked away at a stubborn piece of green leafy stuff.

“Yeah, and I saw you just grinning to yourself like a mad man while chopping parsley that’s already been chopped. You’re mental, Rhys Brady.” Annie tittered, rolling her eyes over dramatically and wrapped her dressing gown closer around her slim waist.

I do wish she’d walk around in more than just a huge shirt and a dressing gown. It’s distracting. I plucked a pepper from the fridge, a green one as they are her favourites, and began to deseed it. Then I noticed something was wrong.

Annie had stopped grumbling about being up at an ungodly hour and glaring at me for being in a ‘stupidly good mood’.

She wasn’t even standing anymore.

The green pepper was flung away, and I tripped over a stool in my anxiousness to see what had happened in that split second I had looked away.

The wooden seat clanged against the cool tiled kitchen floor loudly, and I was surprised that Tyson hadn’t woken up, looking back.

Annie was slumped against the kitchen counter, a few shades paler than she normally was. She was unconscious, and her breathing was shallow.

Oh shit.


Accident and Emergency was practically empty. It was just me, and a couple who were bickering loudly beside me. I would have found their argument funny if I hadn’t been so tense. Annie owed me a massage after all this stress.

“Caleb’s such a gobshite, stupid child.” The man spat, nursing his right hand with a packet of frozen Asian stir fry vegetables. He was tall, I could tell even though he was sitting down, and was almost sickeningly thin. He had a head of messy black hair that screamed of a bit of a fight, his eyes were wise. The first thing I noticed about him was the stench of alcohol and chicken soup that came off him in waves.

The woman next to him sighed, “Bernard, whist.” She wore an exasperated expression, and sent me a watery smile. Her eyes could have been either blue or grey, but I could see the hint of embarrassment in them. Her hazel hair was scraped back in a messy ponytail and it complemented her high cheekbones.

“I’m not going to be quiet! Your brother threw a fecking condom filled with soup at me, and you’re telling me to be quiet?! He burnt my hand! And worst of all he made me drop a whole fecking bottle of wine! And you’re telling me to be quiet?!” The man called Bernard snapped, pushing his lean chest out.

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