66 | motion sickness

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I feel like I just passed out, slowly awakening the further I walk away from Mr. Benson. My head is spinning in a daze as I make my way into the warmth of the hall. Being that blunt to my boyfriend's father might've been overkill.

I swipe a glass of champagne from a passing waiter's tray and I gulp it down before I set out to find Matt, the edge of my nerves smoothing out as it courses through me. I wander around without luck until I reach the other side of the hall where the crowd has thinned next to the tables. I'm about to turn the corner of a wide, towering pillar when I hear Matt's voice on the other side of it.

"Lia's my girlfriend, man. Tread lightly."

"Okay, okay, but seriously. Tell me how it makes sense that a high school junior is pulling hotter ass than I am." I recognize Evan's smooth voice, and I quietly back up, planting myself out of view.

"Don't take your dry spell out on me." Matt laughs.

"Who said I was in a dry spell? I'm just saying, I thought the last couple of girls I nailed were tens, now they look like dogs. Your girl is wrecking the others for me."

"You'll survive."

"Hardly," Evan's voice lowers with urgency. "You gotta tell me what she's like in bed."

"And why would I tell you that?"

"Because I've told you shit before. Last summer, Brittney Hughs, remember? You come parading Lia around here and you think I'm not gonna go there? Give me some detail."

"I don't kiss and tell, Ev."

"Then don't tell me about the kissing."

I feel the heat growing in my face, crawling up my neck in burning tendrils. I could stop this right now and interrupt them, but I only lean against the pillar. How far will Matt go in talking about me to a friend? A friend who seems more like another sleazy Carter by the second.

"Wait," Evan says, realization coating his voice. "Have you even fucked her yet?"

A moment drags by before Matt answers, "She's still a virgin. Not after tonight, though."

"Oh, shit, you get to break her in? Nice!" Evan congratulates, and my stomach swirls in motion sickness. "So has she been a total prude so far?"

"In the beginning, sure. She was shy, you know? But it's all her now. She even jumped in the shower with me this morning."

"Fuck, lucky bastard. She give good head?"

Matt pauses again, and I think he nods because Even just lets out another breath of awe, and I feel myself wilt against the pillar even more.

"Good thing you tied her down," Evan continues. "If it was me, I'd be tying her down to my damn bedposts."

"All right, man," Matt sighs, his voice now gaining an air of seriousness. "Enough about Lia. I should go and find her."

"What? C'mon, you opened the door! And I'm just getting warmed up. You have to give me more, bro. Details, details."

"Don't push it, Ev."

"Aw, lighten up, Matty," he jibes. "If I had a chick like that, I'd want my friends to know everything. And see everything. You got any photos? I'd have those tits as my wallpaper."

"Evan," Matt warns in an iced tone I recognize in a heartbeat.

"I mean, if she was my girl, I'd have her sucking me clean every—"

A sudden blow and a grunt cut through the air. My stomach jolts as I watch Matt shove a bloody-lipped Evan into a nearby table, crystal stemware crashing to the floor. The surrounding crowd gasp and scatter from the upheaval.

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