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Author pov.


"Yes, It was Arya. She was the one who fed me the lies about you and your character. She is the reason for the whole mess." Anirudh finally admits the truth.

"Why are you lying now? Arya cannot do this to me" Bondita said still couldn't believe how Anirudh can blame everything on Arya. She is her bestfriend.

Anirudh is shocked by Bondita's words. He can't believe she is doubting him again. He understands that bondita is really upset but he wants her to believe him. He can't bear to see her unhappy.

"She is not the sweet and innocent girl you think she is. She's manipulative and deceitful. She deliberately pushed me away from you so that she could have me to herself. I never suspected her because she was my friend and I trusted her. I realized everything when you left me already," Anirudh explains.

"Stop lying!"

"Why would I lie to you? I'm being completely honest here. Arya is not what she pretends to be. If you don't believe me, I can prove it to you," Anirudh offers.

"Ok prove it to me," Bondita was sure that Anirudh was lying but what he showed her shock her to her core.

Anirudh  showed bondita the text messages that Arya sent him. In those texts, she was telling all the lies to him about Bondita's character and her relationship with him. Bondita reads through the messages and is shocked to see some of the nasty things that Arya had said about her. Her heart sinks as each message passes through her eyes.

"H-how can S-"

"Arya knew what kind of effect her words would have on me and she used it to her advantage. She played with both our emotions just for her selfish needs. I wasn't so wise at that time that I couldn't notice her tricks. I'm really sorry." Anirudh's apology comes from a place of sincerity and guilt.

Bondita's heart breaks as she finishes reading the texts. She doesn't know what to say. She feels betrayed by a friend she valued so much. She is speechless when it comes to understanding how someone she trusted for so long could do such a hurtful thing.

Anirudh watches her in silence and sees how she is affected by the situation. He wishes he could turn back the time and right the wrongs of his past. But he can't. The damage is done and he has to face it head-on with bondita. He knows the trust between them is broken and he needs to build it back again.

Anirudh steps closer to her so that he could offer some comfort with an embrace. He wants her to believe him but at the same time he is aware that it might not happen this easily. Bondita is surprised by his gesture of hugging her. Her body stiffens with surprise but she doesn't avoid it. She lets him comfort her and wraps her arms around him. It feels good to have someone show kindness to her at this moment.

Anirudh hugs her tightly trying to make her feel better. They are both silent as they stand in each other's arms. They are overwhelmed by emotions that they cannot understand yet. Bondita feels the warmth of his body against hers and starts to relax more and more. For a moment, they both forget everything and are just enjoying the feeling of being close to each other. They don't know if this is just a hug of comfort and sympathy or if it's something more. It just feels so familiar, so right. Anirudh's hands start playing with Bondita's hair as he holds her. She closes her eyes, allowing herself to experience this moment fully. She feels safe and secure in his arms. It's a comforting feeling and she doesn't want it to end.
Both of them just stand there enjoying the moment. Their breathing patterns are now synced and their heartbeats seem to be hitting in sync as well. They feel safe around each other and neither of them wants their embrace to come to an end.

"I'm sorry, I believed her." He apologizes, breaking the silence.

Bondita doesn't respond but just holds him close to her. The feel of his body against hers is soothing and her mind becomes free of all the unnecessary thoughts. At this moment she only wants to be in his arms and let all the troubles go away. She slowly starts to release the tension that had built up inside her and just let her body go limp.

Anirudh wraps his arms around her tighter to pull her closer to him. He wants to make her feel loved and protected. She fits into his arms perfectly as their breathing becomes one. A comforting, gentle calm flows throughout their body, releasing all their doubts and worries.

"I love you" Anirudh whispered against her hair.

Those three words take bondita by surprise. Anirudh's sudden confession makes her feel a rush of butterflies in her stomach. The words were something she had always dreamt of hearing from him. Her face flushes and her heart starts beating rapidly. She wants to say the same thing back to him but words fail her in that moment. But then she remembered about Aansh.

The harsh reality starts to hit bondita. She realizes that her feelings in the present are divided. With this thought she immediately pushes Anirudh away from her. She feels guilty, selfish and confused. She doesn't want to be cheating on Aansh for his sake. She wishes she weren't in this situation, so that she could accept Anirudh wholeheartedly.

Anirudh is shocked and hurt by her sudden behavior. The sudden push and coldness catches him by surprise. She pushes him away just after he told her his feelings He feels rejected and disappointed. He tries to hold her hands but she pulls them away from him.

"I-I am sorry. But I just can't"

Anirudh's heart skips a beat. He feels heartbroken with the rejection but at the same time he realizes that she doesn't have the same feelings for him as he does for her. He feels defeated and wants to cry but he forces himself to stay strong. He forces himself to hide the heartache and instead he smiles gently at her and gives a small nod in acceptance.

"It's okay. Just know that I really meant all those three words," he says with a sweet smile before stepping away from her. This would be his last attempt to make her see him in a different light. If she doesn't accept it now, he can't do anything else. She would have to wait and realize it someday.

Bondita's sadness is obvious on her face. She is torn between her feelings for Anirudh and her loyalty to Aansh. She feels guilty as she realizes that she has hurt Anirudh with her actions. She wants to tell him that she feels the same way about him. She wants to hug him and ask him to stay in her life forever. But she is holding herself back even though her heart is screaming at her to admit her feelings completely.

After Anirudh left her, Bondita stays alone in her room. She has so much to think about and so much to figure out. She still feels guilty for pushing away Anirudh when he had just confessed his feelings for her. She wants to say the same things to him but her head is filled with questions about the future. What if Aansh finds out that she has feelings for someone else? Would he get heartbroken? Would he feel betrayed? How would she handle this situation? Her heart is in turmoil.


What will Bondita do now??

Any guesses?

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