one 🌻

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I was standing outside my University, lost in my thoughts. I was wondering if I would be able to survive here, away from home and among strangers. This was my first time being away from my parents, and it was a different city altogether. The feeling of loneliness was overwhelming, and I couldn't help but feel nervous about the new phase of my life.

Suddenly, I heard a woman calling out my name. "Bondita Gogoi?" she said. I turned to look at her and replied politely, "Yes?"

She then directed me to my room, which was Room No. 7 and asked me to turn left to reach it. I thanked her for the directions as I was feeling tired from all the travelling.

As I reached my room, I took a good look at it. It was alright, but it was nothing like my own room back home. I started unpacking my things, making sure that everything was in its place. I checked my clothes, my books, and my toothbrush. But, despite everything being in order, I still felt like I was forgetting something.

Just then, my phone started ringing.


It was my mother calling, and I realized that calling her was what I had forgotten to do. I picked up the phone, and as soon as I heard her voice, I could feel her worry for me.

"Ki hol pai meli phone eta nai kora? Eman dangor hoi goli neh, maarok pahorilie!!" ( what happened, you didn't ever call me after reaching? Did you become so much capable that you forgot your mother already!!"

"No muma it's not like that. I had reached half an hour ago and I was busy arranging my things so I forgot to call you. Sorry." I said apologetically. She was always worried about me. Actually, Every mother is.

I told her that everything was good, and I hadn't met anyone yet. Just then, I heard a knock on my door. It was a girl, who looked beautiful with her brown eyes and black hair. She had a nervous smile on her face.

" maa moi tumak pisot phone kori asu" ( maa, I will call you later.) " I said and cut the call.


I asked her what she wanted. "You are in the wrong room" She told me that I that this room was hers.

Wrong room? Is this not room Number seven? Yes, it is

I told her that this was Room No. 7, which was allotted to me. Then, the same woman from the morning appeared and explained that this was a two-person room, and we both had to share it.

The realization hit me hard, and I didn't know how to react. I have always been nervous around new people, and looking at her, I could tell that she was in the same boat as me.

As the woman left, there was an awkward silence in the room. So, I decided to break the ice and introduce myself. "Hey, I am Bondita Gogoi," I said, extending my hand. She smiled back and hugged me, leaving me in shock.

"Hii Bondita, I am Alya! Alya Hazarika. Nice to meet you. You know when I first got to know that I had to share a room with you, I was so nervous. But now, I feel comfortable. You are not like the type of girl I thought----" She kept on talking, and I couldn't help but smile. She was so cute.

She started blushing when she noticed my smile. "I-i d-didn't mean to talk a lot," she said, looking down.

"Areh! No problem, Alya. I did the same when I was excited." I said, trying to make her feel comfortable.

We laughed, and for the first time since I arrived, I felt a sense of belonging.


The next day, I got ready for my class

"Bondu yaar, you got ready so early!!?" Alya started to complain.

"It was 8'o clock already Allu!"

"What!" She shouted and ran towards the bathroom. I laugh at her and move towards my Department.
I am nervous ngl. I took majored in English as I want to become a writer one day.

As I was walking down the street, lost in my own thoughts, suddenly I collided with someone. The impact was so hard that I stumbled and almost fell. Before I could even gather myself, the person I collided with grabbed my hands and started shouting at me.

"Watch where you are going!" he yelled, making me flinch.

I was taken aback by his aggressive tone. I tried to defend myself, "L-listen, you came on my way. It's not my mistake," I said.

"You!'' He shouted when he looked at me. But I swear I never met this guy ever!

He glared at me with anger in his eyes. He looked so intimidating and scary, but at the same time, I couldn't help but notice that he was also quite handsome and hot. I shook my head, trying to focus on the situation at hand,

"Do I know you?" I asked nervously, trying not to show my fear in my voice.

He didn't reply, and his silence only added to my anxiety. Suddenly, he grabbed my hand tightly, making me feel trapped.

"How dare you!" he said, his voice booming with anger. I was bewildered. I didn't even know this guy, and yet he was behaving like I had done something terrible to him.

"I don't even know you. Please leave me!" I tried to say, but he was not listening. He pushed me against the wall and leaned close to me. I could feel his hot breath on my face.

"Never mess with my family member, understand!" he shouted, his face inches away from mine.

I was utterly confused. I hadn't met anyone until now, let alone his family member. He grabbed me by the hand and started pulling me with him.

We walked for a while, and I didn't even know where we were going until we reached my hostel room. The security guard saw us and looked at us in horror, but he didn't do anything to stop us. I was surprised that boys were allowed into the hostel, but I was too scared to ask anything.

As we reached my room. He started to throw my things here and there.

"Please stop what are you doing!!?" I yelled. He was destroying everything.

"Just shut up understand," He said coming closer to me. I gulped hard.


Chapter one is done!

This literally came into my dream.
Not the Alya part but Anirudh's part.
Only I added a little bit of my imagination.

So how was the chapter??
If you liked it, DO VOTE AND COMMENTS.


Don't worry even if the target is not completed, I will anyway update chapter two on tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!!

Till then enjoy this chapter!!

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