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One year later

It had been a year since the incident with Anirudh's father. Anirudh and Bondita now lived a happy and peaceful life together, away from all the drama and troubles of the past. They were happily married and had moved on with their life.

Anirudh had taken over his father's company and had managed it very successfully, making a name for himself in the business world as a successful and capable businessman. Bondita had also developed a passion for art and was becoming a renowned artist, with her paintings being displayed in art exhibitions around the country.

Anirudh was in his office, working on some important documents when he heard someone call out his name. He looked up and saw his wife standing in front of him, looking more beautiful than ever.

"B-bondita? Why are you here?'' He asked, still confused by her sudden arrival

"I wanted to surprise you," she said, smiling brightly as she wrapped her arms around him. "I know you are working, but I thought I'd just drop by to see you."

Anirudh suddenly became concerned and his tone changed to one of caution. "Love, you shouldn't be out of the house right now? You're pregnant and you're supposed to take as much rest as possible. I don't want to risk anything happening to you or the baby."

"But I just wanted to surprise you. I thought it'd be nice to come see you at your office," she said stubbornly. Anirudh was still worried and didn't appreciate the fact that she was putting herself in danger by coming here, but he was also touched by the sweet gesture.

"And another thing, you shouldn't be standing for a long time like this," he continued, gesturing towards her pregnant belly with a concerned expression on his face. "Your legs might start cramping up and you may have a harder time walking later on..."

"I'm fine," she insisted stubbornly. "I'm just here for a few minutes, I swear" she said, her eyes gazing up at him fondly. Anirudh had a hard time telling her NO when she looked at him like that and he couldn't help but soften up a little when she kept insisting.

"Can you at least sit down, love?" he suggested lovingly, not able to be assertive and strict with her for long. She was carrying his child in her womb and he could never be harsh with her when she look at him like that.

"Alright..." she agreed, reluctantly letting him lead her towards a chair and sitting down gently. It wouldn't be long before she started feeling tired and exhausted, just as he had warned her. As she sat down, Anirudh took a seat beside her, holding her hand and rubbing it gently.

She leaned against him and took comfort in his touch. She felt safe and secure in his arms, and the comfort of having him this close felt like a warm hug around her body. She felt calmer and less anxious, and all the stress and tension started to leave her body.

She was already 8 and a half month pregnant and feeling like she could give birth at any moment. The doctor had advised her to take complete rest and stay away from all the physical activities. But here she was, standing in her husband's office and refusing to take a break.

Suddenly,She felt a sudden sharp pain in her stomach and her body suddenly felt very heavy. Anirudh could sense her discomfort and saw her face start to pale. He realized that something was wrong and quickly got up and rushed over to her side.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" he asked urgently, putting a hand on her shoulder. She was breathing heavily and holding her belly, as if waiting for the pain to subside.

"It's the baby!" She was feeling severe cramps and contractions now. Anirudh had already realized that she was going into childbirth, and his instincts kicked in immediately. He helped her into a standing position and tried to support her as she swayed slightly.

She leaned heavily on him and her legs became weak and wobbly, showing signs that the labor was progressing very quickly now. Anirudh supported her through this, his touch calming and reassuring. She looked down at her feet, her whole body shaking from the pain and discomfort.

Anirudh quickly took her to the hospital, not taking any chances at all with her health. She was now in the advanced stages of labor and the pain was increasing with each passerby minute. She clenched her teeth and squeezed Anirudh's hand tightly as the contractions became stronger and more frequent.

"Just a little longer....we're almost there" he kept reassuring her, trying to keep her as calm as he could. Anirudh was nervous as well, but he knew he had to be strong for her sake. He kept her close to him, rubbing her arm and hand and comforting her as best as he could.

when they arrived at the hospital, the labor was almost at the point of delivery and they moved her quickly through the wards and rooms, taking her to the delivery room. Anirudh was still right by her side, holding her hand and making sure she was comfortable.

The nurses moved in quickly and prepared for the baby's arrival, while the doctors got everything ready. Anirudh stood at her side, holding her hand tightly and never leaving her side the whole time. The labor pain was increasing, and Bondita was breathing rapidly and heavily, feeling exhausted and scared.

She grabbed Anirudh's hand tightly and squeezed it, her grip getting tighter and tighter with every passing second. Anirudh could feel her body tense up and her breathing became shallow and uneven. He spoke to her softly and calmly, trying to keep her focused and calm.

Anirudh was standing there nervously, watching his wife through the entire delivery process. he watched as the doctors delivered the baby with great care and expertise, feeling both anxious and worried for her wellbeing. she was still in intense pain and was panting and breathing heavily, but still tried her best to stay calm and concentrated.

Finally, Anirudh breathed a sigh of relief when the doctors finally managed to deliver the baby. After a few moments, they handed the baby to Anirudh to hold, and he immediately cradled it in his arms, looking at It with a delighted expression on his face. the baby was a little girl and she was so tiny. She was so fragile and delicate, and he couldn't help but love and cherish her already.

Anirudh gently held the tiny baby girl in his arms, admiring her precious little face and delicate features. He felt a wave of affection and love wash over him as he looked at his new child, so small and helpless, but already so precious and adorable. It was a truly beautiful and miraculous moment for him, and he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the feelings of love and pride that were flooding his heart.

"She's so beautiful," Anirudh said softly, caressing her little cheeks with his hands and gazing at her with a deep sense of adoration. He felt a wave of happiness and contentment wash over him, and he just wanted to keep holding her all evening long.

"What should we name her?" Anirudh asked, his eyes still filled with joy and affection. He was genuinely curious about what his wife had in mind, and wanted the both of them to agree on a special name for their baby girl.

"Ruhi," Anirudh repeated lovingly, nodding and smiling at the name choice. The two of them shared a tender moment as they stared at their beautiful baby girl, feeling deeply touched and overwhelmed with love. It was finally official, they were parents now.

As Anirudh and Bondita looked down at their new baby girl, they knew that their lives would never be the same again. They couldn't wait to experience all the joy and laughter that their little girl would bring into their lives, and they were both filled with a deep sense of gratitude and love as they watched her peacefully sleep in their arms.

The End.

☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. ๋࣭ ⭑⚝.

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