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They reached the house, and Anirudh's heart just sank. They were both shocked by what they saw. The house was completely surrounded by a group of men and they were all pointing their guns at them.

Binoy stepped forward from the group. He carried himself with an air of authority and arrogance and his eyes were filled with malice and hatred. He approached Anirudh and Bondita, speaking in a deep, threatening voice.

"I have been searching high and low for you, son" he said in an accusatory tone, looking deeply angry and threatening. "And apparently I just had to wait here in this place," he continued, glancing at Bondita before turning back to his son. "I see that you've made my job much, much easier by making your lover come right here to me. What a fool you are" he said with a mocking tone.

"You're not taking her back," Anirudh said firmly, his voice filled with a deep sense of determination and resolve. "This woman is now my wife and no one is touching her."

His father's eyes went wide as he took in his son's words. "Excuse me?" he said, his voice growing louder and more menacing. "You did what?....."

Anirudh remained firm and unmoving. This time his tone was much louder and more aggressive. "I said she's my wife, and no one is going to touch her. Not you and not anyone else. You can't control me like you used to before, but if you try to bring harm to her or anything happens to her, I won't hesitate to do whatever it takes to protect her. She is my responsibility now, and I'll do anything to keep her safe.."

Binoy didn't like what he was hearing and he was furious. "You are still my son, and you will obey me" he said with a loud, stern voice. "You are coming back with me and ending this marriage or else......"

"Or else what?" Anirudh said, his face filled with rage and anger. "Don't even think of threatening me. I'm a man now and I won't abide by your command anymore. I have a responsibility now, towards her. I'm not leaving her...."

Binoy became even more furious when he heard his son speaking in such a defiant manner. He stared at Anirudh in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe that his son could ever stand up to him in such a manner. His face was now filled with anger and rage, and he didn't like losing his control over his son.

"You're not leaving her? Do you have any idea who I am son? Do you think you can just go and make yourself a life without my permission? Do you think you can just live happily with her without facing the consequences for what you have done?" Anirudh's father's tones were now filled with a threatening edge and he got a step closer to Anirudh.

Anirudh remained unmoving and stood his ground firmly. He was no longer a child and was not afraid of his father anymore. He glared at his father with a determined look and firmly gripped his wife's hands even tighter, protecting her.

Binoy now lost his temper completely and his anger took over his senses. he was now ready to do anything to take back what he considered his, and his rage was growing unchecked.

"Don't you understand son? You are my son and you're going to do what I tell you to do. You're going to come with me and leave this woman right now, or else..." Anirudh's father said in a threatening tone, his finger slowly inching towards the trigger of his gun that he slowly moved towards them.

Anirudh didn't say anything and just held his wife tightly, shielding her from any harm that might come their way. Binoy's finger was almost at the trigger now and Anirudh could tell that his father was ready to pull the trigger if he didn't give in to his demands.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a bullet rings out and Anirudh's father falls to the ground, blood spewing from where he was shot. Anirudh and Bondita both turn around with stunned faces and see that one of the man of his father had shot Binoy dead .

Anirudh was shaken and shocked, the scene playing before his eyes in slow motion, like it was all an ominous dream. He hadn't processed what just happened and was stuck in a state of disbelief and shock. Bondita's grip was tight around his body, clinging to him and looking at him anxiously. They both stayed in this state for a few moments, until Bondita spoke.

"Anirudh, I'm scared...What just happened?"

Anirudh held her tightly, feeling her trembling and her heart racing. He was also scared but tried his best to control his fears and show some sign of reassurance to his wife. He knew that he couldn't break down now.

"Just please stay with me, everything will be fine. I won't leave you alone" he said, his voice shaky and strained but trying to maintain his composure the best he could.

The men who had shot Anirudh's father now began to remove their masks. It became obvious who they were and Anirudh's whole body went numb in this realization.

They were the police. The police had shot Anirudh's father dead after finding out that he was involved in illegal activities. Anirudh was now feeling overwhelmed and his emotions were conflicting. He felt relieved that his father was gone and that he and his wife could live in peace, but something didn't feel right.

"He's dead. Your father is dead." The police officer stated plainly, his tone matter-of-fact and cold. "We have also found out about your father's illegal activities and will be conducting a full-scale investigation......"

Anirudh couldn't believe what he was hearing and his emotions were a mix of relief and fear. He felt relieved that his father was gone and that no one would be able to harm him or his wife any longer, but the sense of uncertainty was unsettling. Anirudh's body went numb as he struggled to process everything that was happening...

With the police gone, Anirudh and Bondita were left alone in the house again. It was an ominous and uncomfortable silence, both of them feeling anxious and worried, not sure what to say or how to react to what had happened.

He was happy that his father was dead but also feeling empty as his father was the only family left after his mother left him.

Bondita was concerned and she began to console Anirudh, holding him tightly to her body, hugging him and assuring him that everything was going to be alright. She rubbed his back and tried to comfort him in every possible way she could, but he was still overwhelmed with everything.

"It's going to be okay. You're safe now" she said softly, her voice filled with sympathy and concern for him. She rubbed his shoulders, trying to soothe him and ease his tension and fears.

Anirudh didn't say anything, just feeling safe and comforted by her touch. He leaned into her body, completely relaxed and trusting her with all his worries and concerns. She was the only thing holding him together right now.

"I love you" she whisper in his ear.

Anirudh couldn't help himself from smiling at her words. "I love you too" he said softly, closing his eyes and resting his head on her shoulder.

The End.

☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. ๋࣭ ⭑⚝.

The story is over!!

So tell me about your views on this story.

And yaa.

Next story will be

"In love with my best friend"

So till then byeee!!


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