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Sixteen years later,

"Come on guys! It's time for dinner!" Bondita calls out to her two children who are playing in their home. The two of them happily come running to her and they all sit down for a family dinner. Bondita looks at all of them with gratitude and contentment in her eyes. She feels so blessed to have this beautiful family and she is grateful that her life has turned out in a way that she always dreamt about.

Sixteen  years have now passed and Bondita and Anirudh are happily married. They are blessed with two beautiful children who keep them happy and fulfilled. The love they share with each other has only grown deeper and stronger over the years. They never take each other for granted and always appreciate the other person for being in their life. They feel grateful to have found each other and are thankful for the journey that led them to this point.

Their two children are named Avya and Aarav. Avya is a girl who is sweet and caring just like her mother. Aarav is a playful and mischievous boy who likes to tease and trouble his sister and parents. They both are full of life and joy and they bring a lot of laughter and happiness in the family.

Avya is now 14 years old while Aarav is 15. They are both growing up to be responsible and caring teenager. Aarav has developed a protective nature and has a good relationship with his sister. They both spend a lot of time together and are very close to each other.

Avya has developed a deep interest in literature and poetry from her mother. She spends a lot of her free time reading and writing poems and short stories. She has also developed a hobby of painting and drawing. Aarav on the other hand has taken after his father in terms of his interests. he is fascinated by cars and engineering and has a fascination for anything technical. He spends most of his time reading about new technologies and trying to learn more about them. Avya and Aarav both have developed very unique personalities that have been influenced by their parents.

"Avya, you are so short compared to me! You'll never be taller than me ever." Aarav is teasing Avya about her short height and she is getting annoyed. She doesn't like it when her brother tells her that she will always be short. She pulls a funny face and sticks her tongue out at him in an attempt to discourage him but Aarav just laughs.

Anirudh walks into the room and notices the situation between his children. He chuckles silently, seeing his son and daughter teasing each other. He finds it amusing how they are always fighting about something trivial and they don't realize how much they actually care for each other. He smiles at them and feels happy that they are so close despite their differences.

Aarav notices his father and he immediately gets in trouble, "Dad! I was just teasing my sister! It isn't a big deal!" Avya immediately joins in the conversation to make things even. She is not going to let her brother take the blame alone. "Dad, I was the one who started it. Aarav was just responding to my teasing." Anirudh can't help but laugh at their antics. They seem to always be involved in some argument or the other and it is hilarious to watch them from the side.

Anirudh smiles at his children and says, "You two are the perfect examples of siblings" in a light-hearted tone. Avya and Aarav giggle at him and Avya replies, "We fight so much over such silly things. And sometimes we are the best of friends and have each other's back." Aarav nods, "Yeah, that's true. We may fight but when it comes to serious things, we always got each other's back. We know how to pull out each other's best side and how to annoy each other the best too."

Anirudh laughs at their conversation and asks, "So you both agree that even though you disagree constantly, you still got each other's back." Avya and Aarav giggle in response and they nod. They both know that despite their disagreements they care for each other and would never let the other one down when the situation is dire. They are the perfect examples of siblings.

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