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"It's time we got out of here" Anirudh Was now completely consumed by an overwhelming sense of excitement and relief, and his eyes were filled with determination. His body was still pressing tightly against her and he started walking towards the door, keeping his grip firmly around her.

They walked a few steps when suddenly, they heard loud, heavy footsteps coming their way as if someone was walking towards them. They froze in their tracks as the footsteps got close.

"Shh... Don't Move," he whispered in her ear, holding her tightly and not letting her move a single inch. He held her in a comforting and protective embrace, not wanting to risk any sudden reactions on her part. He could hear the loud footsteps coming their way

The footsteps came closer, the sounds becoming louder and heavier. As they got near them, they quickly hid in an obscure corner, their bodies pressed tightly together as they strained to hear what was happening.

The footsteps stopped close to their hiding spot, and they heard the sound of breathing and heavy breathing as if someone was standing right next to them. Then there was a voice.

"I know you're here," a voice said in an authoritative tone, "come out, both of you." It's Binoy Singhania

''Anirudh I'm scared'' Bondita whispered

"Don't be," he whispered, holding her tightly. He took a deep breath and spoke more calmly to hide his own concern. She could feel his breath against her ear as he spoke softly to her. She felt his body shaking slightly and his hand was gripping her tightly as they both remained in the tight corner, completely hidden and unseen.

"Just trust me," his voice was soft but he had now adopted a determined and strong demeanor. She could feel him holding her firmly and comforting her as they both remained very still. They heard the footsteps again and the voice, a deep, hoarse voice, spoke again.

"Come out now...I'm in no mood to play your little game."

They both froze, their bodies pressed tightly together as they tried to remain silent and motionless. A small space was all they had, and they desperately tried to suppress even the slightest movement or sound from their bodies. The heavy breathing was getting louder, and they could see the faint silhouette of a person standing just outside of their hiding spot.

"Last chance, come out now," Binoy spoke again with a harsh and menacing tone. It was clear that he wasn't going to play their games anymore and that he was ready to take action. They had nowhere else to hide and the heavy breathing was getting louder and more persistent, filling them with fear and uncertainty.

"There were two people who entered here a few minutes back, and I don't see them here now. I'm sure they are hiding somewhere here. Find out where they are and bring them to me. I don't care how you do it, just do it fast" The authority in his voice was unsettling, as he commended his men and it left no doubt in anyone's mind that he was willing to take drastic measures to get what he wanted.

''Sir, there are trails of blood here in the living room"A man shouted from outside.

The moment they heard his father's footsteps leaving the room, they ran towards the exit. In that one instant, everything was clear. Anirudh took hold of Bondita's hand and pulled her out the door with him quickly. They both ran outside and away from the house, not looking back even once.

They ran for a long time, running as fast as their legs would let them. It was only after they had travelled for a long distance that they finally slowed down and took a deep breath

"Are you alright?" Anirudh asked, looking at her with worry. She was out of breath and panting, visibly exhausted and shaken up from what had just happened. He looked concerned and worried as he held her tightly to him, not letting her go.

"I'm ok," she said softly, as she was catching her breath. "But where do we go now?"

"I know a place. It's twenty minutes away and safe. There's an abandoned house where I used to hide when I wanted to get away from my father. It's hidden away, away from the city and no one will find us there''

He kept a firm and steadying grip around her as they began to walk in the direction of the abandoned house.

"We need to get married as soon as possible," he said, his tone becoming urgent. They had been walking for several minutes now, and they were both getting tired. The sun had set completely and it was just the two of them out in the dark, alone and vulnerable

"I need to make this official and make you mine so no one else can lay a finger on you, or I should say, my wife.." He added

Anirudh squeezed her hand tightly, his pace increasing as they walked. The abandoned house was now visible in the distance, and he was filled with determination to reach there before it was too late.

"We need to hurry," he said urgently, gripping her hand tightly and pulling her along with him. He could feel her heart beating faster and he could feel her nervousness and anxiety building up as they got closer to their destination.

Anirudh's pace suddenly slowed, and he looked ahead to see a small, traditional-looking temple in the distance. It was an old and well-preserved temple, with white paint and clean walls. It had an air of peace and quietness about it, almost as if it was a place of refuge.

"Let's get married right now," he suggested, looking at her as they approached the temple. They were both quiet and tense, and he could feel her nervousness growing with each step she took. He could see her sweating slightly and felt her hand trembling in his grip.

he quickly took her inside the temple without another word. As they entered the temple, they saw the priests standing there welcoming them. Anirudh approached one of them and spoke quickly.

The wedding was arranged in a very traditional manner and soon they were all set to begin the ceremony. The priest lit the sacred fire and made the necessary offerings, while Anirudh and Bondita stood close by, holding hands and keeping a solemn demeanour.

" I hereby declare you husband and wife for all eternity." the priest stated as the ceremony finished and they were now declared man and wife.

Anirudh was overcome with a deep sense of relief and satisfaction, knowing that he had finally made her his wife and was able to protect her. He could feel her heartbeat against his chest, and he felt like all the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders. She was his now, and he would never let her go.


They reached the house and Anirudh's heart just sank. They were both shocked by what they saw.

☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. ๋࣭ ⭑⚝.

Double update, if this chapter crosses 20 votes.

Finally, they are married.😭

Silence before the Strom.


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