Chapter 1- The Contract

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Dear readers, I want to say thank you for opening this book it means a lot to me, I hope you enjoy reading this book.

Well, happy reading.


I looked at the contract in front of me thinking about what I was about to sign, to any other person this would have been normal but this was me, I wasn't that type of girl, and this wasn't something I would do, but I didn't have a choice, this was the only way out.

I was holding a contract that would sign away all my rights to my child, the child I was yet to conceive.

It looked easy when a sexy mouth-watering billionaire presented this idea to me, it was easy, get pregnant, bear him a child, and be on my way. But looking at this contract in front of me I just couldn't bring myself to sign it.

It was like giving a life for a life. It was hard.

I would have to live for the rest of my life knowing I have a child but not being able to go near him or her, the thought of it was causing me pain, I couldn't bear the thought of my child hating me in the future, he or she would think I abandoned them they wouldn't even know my reason.

This was so hard for me to do.
With shaky hands and blurry eyes filled with tears, I signed the document. Something I know I'll regret for the rest of my life. All I needed to do was to take it to Markus, the man who would be the father of my child.

Standing in front of the door,  I gathered all the courage I needed, but still, I couldn't bring myself to knock. The moment this door opened it would lead me into a new world, a world of regret, a world I would wish I never entered.

I finally knocked on the door and heard someone hurriedly coming to open it, my heart was beating a thousand miles, and I couldn't keep it in control.

The door opened to reveal the maid, she looked me up and down before stepping aside for me to enter, it was like she was judging me by her look, I didn't even know if she knew what I was here for, but my mind just couldn't stop overthinking everything, because if you ask me, no woman in her right senses would do what I was about to do, except I wasn't in my right senses.

I was told Markus was in his office and was expecting me. I felt cheap, it was like he knew I was going to sign the document.

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes but I pushed them back. I knocked on the door and I heard his voice telling me to come in.

I opened the door and there he was sitting behind his desk and so focused on his work, I made myself comfortable on the chair in front of him and he still didn't raise his head like I didn't just walk in.

I wasn't anything to him, he made that clear, I would just be the woman to carry his child, to him he was doing me an honor, many women would die to be in my position.

It wasn't until he was done with whatever he was doing before he finally acknowledged me. He eyed me like he was waiting for me to speak up, I could just feel the arrogance come off him. The jerk.

" I see you've made your decision." He said with a smirk, I couldn't help but feel offended, like I was that easy, he is a billionaire, he could help me with that money and let me pay him some other way, but because he knew I was desperate, he decided to use me so I wasn't the villain here.

I chose not to say a word, I just kept the document on the table and pushed it towards him. He drew the papers to himself without taking his eyes off me like he couldn't wait to uncover what I hid inside my body, it didn't help that my body didn't mind the idea.

My mind and body were two different entities never agreeing on the same thing. He took his eyes off me to confirm what he already knew. I would be bearing his child.

As soon as he confirmed what he needed, he picked up his phone and made a call. As soon as he ended the call my phone beeped, an indication that the money had been sent.

I didn't even care to check it, it would be a confirmation of what I had just done. I didn't bother saying anything, I just stood up, opened the door, and left, I knew what I had to do next.

I went straight to the hospital, I couldn't waste another minute, not when I got what I needed.

I opened my mom's room to find her sleeping, these past few years haven't been easy on her, battling with cancer could do that, she had lungs and gastric cancer, and ever since she found out she had been like a corpse inside her own body, she refused to tell anyone, not until I found her report and it had gotten really bad.

When we brought her to the hospital the doctors told me she had to stay in the hospital so they could watch her, which cost me all my savings, leaving me with absolutely nothing. As if that wasn't enough, I have been going crazy trying to raise money for her surgery.

"Good day, doctor. Please when can the surgery be done? I want my mom taken care of as soon as possible." I asked as soon as I sat down.

" Miss Williams, we can carry out the surgery as soon as"...." the money is ready." I cut him off knowing exactly what he was about to say.

I looked at him as if I was crazy, he knew I had exhausted all the money for my mother's treatment and suddenly coming back up with such an amount of money was quite surprising, but I didn't care.

As soon as I signed the necessary documents and made payments, I watched as my mom was being willed on her bed to the theater for her operation. I just followed behind them but as they got to the door, I was stopped, I couldn't help but worry.

I didn't want anything to happen to my mom, she was the only family I had left, and she wasn't the best, but she's still my mom.

I paced outside the door for about two hours and the door to the surgery room was still shut. There was no posture I didn't try.

I stood, I sat, I squatted, sat on the floor, but nothing was calming me down.

After about three hours and a near heart attack, the door finally opened and the doctor came out.

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