Chapter 19- Know Your Place

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We fell on the bed both satisfied. As soon as I told Markus what he needed to hear, he didn't waste time in showing me the moon and stars through his touches. It was an experience that would live rent-free in my head.

He stood up from the bed stack naked and my eyes couldn't help trail his butt until he disappeared into the bathroom.

He came back later with a soft towel in his hand as he told me to open my legs and I did so without question. He used the soft towel to clean between my legs and it touched my sensitive bud making me bite my lip to prevent the moan that threatened to escape my lip.

Markus returned the towel as he made his way back to the bed and then he drew me to him. My heart skipped a beat but I quickly reminded it that whatever special treatment I was receiving was because of the baby.

He held me in his arms until I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to find the bed empty. Markus must have woken up quite early.

" You're up." I heard his voice even before I saw him. He was standing in his magnificent glory in a black suit, clearly ready for work. His tie was crooked so I didn't think much. I got up from the bed wrapping the sheets around myself as I walked up to him.

He raised his brow at me in question but didn't say anything. I took the tie and adjusted it. But I didn't let go as I looked into his beautiful eyes. He looked down at me too but I had a feeling we had totally different thoughts going through our heads.

I broke eye contact with him because my body was beginning to feel unimaginable things just from looking at those beautiful eyes. It was too early, I tried to step away from him, but he drew me back and pinned me on the wall connecting his lips to mine.

" I've heard pregnant women like to be pampered and kissed a lot." He whispered. At the moment I couldn't help but feel like he was my husband giving me a morning kiss before leaving for work, showering me with love and admiration. Just for the baby it rang in my head again.

" I don't know, I've never been pregnant before this, maybe I'll learn from this and see if my husband does this when I get pregnant again." Something flashed in his eyes as he released me.

" Make sure to eat something healthy." He emphasized the  "healthy" a little too much like I was a kid and he was my mom telling me to do what I knew I wasn't going to do.

I nodded my head. He looked at me one last before walking out.

I couldn't help but smile, it was indeed a good morning. Well, it didn't last when I suddenly remembered that there was a woman here who claimed she was also pregnant for Markus and she looked like so much trouble.

I wasn't going to stay in this house with her or one of us would have to kill each other and it wouldn't be me.

I picked up my phone and I called Rena.

" Rena dear, meet me in my room and don't bother wearing your uniform. Pick something nice, we're going somewhere." I said to her, I knew she was curious about where we wanted to go but she didn't bother asking me any questions.

" Okay, ma'am. I'll bring you breakfast upstairs." She said before I ended the call. I wasn't going to let anyone ruin my day for me.

Rena brought me breakfast as promised and I ate it but unfortunately not much and I couldn't force myself to take more than I could chew.

I got ready with a black short flay dress. I settled for sneakers and then I took sunglasses. I didn't bother with makeup, I just applied lip gloss and I was ready to set out.

I walked downstairs and was greeted with loud music. The lady I didn't know her name and didn't even care to was dancing in the sitting room like she was in a club. Wasn't it too early for all these? The more reason for me to leave this house.

I wanted to just ignore her and walk away but something told me she would continue to disturb the peace of everyone if I didn't do something. So I walked to where the remote was, took it, and turned the music off.

That got her attention and she turned to see who dared to turn her music off.

I folded my hands waiting for whatever she had to say.

" You again? Is there anywhere you're not?" She asked with anger evident in her voice.

"In case you don't know, you're not the only one that lives here, and if you want to be in a club so much you can do that in your room or even better go back to where you came from." Okay, that was a little bitchy but she deserves it.

" You think you're something special just because he has you in his room? Do you have a ring from him?" She asked feeling like her words had hurt me somehow but they didn't, she just allowed me to say what I wanted.

" That's where your problem lays.  You don't know your place. But I do. Should I let you in on a secret? You know he kissed me before going to work this morning, did you get that too? Oh, and we made mad passionate love last night. Said it was important to take care of a pregnant lady because she needs all the attention." Her face looked like a volcano that was about to erupt. But I didn't care. She asked for it.

" You're desperate to wear his ring but where would that put you if he doesn't care about you?"

" So you're saying he cares about you?" She asked me with a scoff.

" Not really about me my darling, but he cares that I carry his child and I know that but you my darling want what he cannot give."

I dropped the remote and gave her a last look as I saw Rena approaching before walking away.

I had places to be.


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