Chapter 45- The Weird Dream

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" What do you want me to think? Because every single moment you get, you try to remind me that I'm not your wife, I'm beginning to think that you're trying to convince yourself. You know clearly that I'm not your wife, must you make it an anthem?" Somehow I got the boldness to say this, I was tired of hearing that one sentence every time.

" What did you say?" He asked me and I quickly shut my mouth, he could switch any moment and I didn't want that.

" You should know your place, and that I'm in charge here so before you make whatever decision that concerns me, let me know, are we clear here?"

" Crystal."

" Good," He simply said before he walked out of the room and I breathed in relief.

I fell on my bed with a sigh Markus was getting too hard to deal with.

The ringing of my phone brought me out of my thoughts.

" Hey Hardin," I smiled as his voice came through the phone, we were becoming close and I liked the fact that there was someone in this world who thought of me enough to call me.

" How are you doing?"

" Fine, how about you?" I asked as I stood up from the bed and went to stand by the balcony.

" Not bad."

" So why did you call?" I asked.

" I know I already invited you to one of my games tomorrow but there's this thing a doctor friend of mine is hosting for all pregnant women so I just thought of you, it's going to be fun, well that's if you would want to come." I wonder what this event would be about.

" What time is it?" I asked him as I made my way back into the room because of the cold.

" It starts in about two hours."

" Okay, just send me the location."

" Already did."

" How did you know I would want to go?" I asked as I opened my bedside drawer to bring out the peanut butter I had hidden there. I made myself comfortable on my bed and began ministering to the peanut butter.

" I just had a feeling," he said and I could tell again that he was smiling even without being there.

" Whatever, I'll be there." We ended the call as I checked the time on my phone. I saw the message he sent to me. The event would be starting at 11 am, I checked the time and it was 8: 54 am. I still had time.

I stood from my bed and went into the closet to get something to wear, I was beginning to show but not big enough that I began to look like an elephant, funny because I would be getting there soon.

I settled for a pink dress, it wasn't tight, it was a flay dress that was free from my chest down so it didn't make me uncomfortable, it stopped just above my knee and then I picked white sneakers, it was giving me the barbie look and I felt pleased.

It wasn't time and I didn't want to seem too anxious to leave the house and be there on time so I just decided to take a nap and I made sure to set my alarm so I don't end up missing the event.

" You're the cause of my pain, if you weren't born he wouldn't have left me, you're an evil on the face of the earth, you've brought me nothing but pain." She said with tears in her eyes, I didn't do anything wrong so why was she getting angry at me?

" Please I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause you any pain," I said trying to calm her down but it seemed my words weren't doing any work. That was when I noticed the knife she held in her hand.

" I will not let you have that child." She said as she lurched towards me.

I woke up with a gasp like I had been underwater, that was a weird dream, why would my dead mother want to kill me? I didn't ask to be born, she wasn't the best and I've been told several times how I was the reason why my father left.

Just in time, the alarm rang reminding me that I had somewhere to be.

I stood up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom, after a quick shower I got dressed and made my way downstairs.

I knew by now that Markus must have gone to the office so I didn't have to face him.

" You seem to be going somewhere?" Rena asked as soon as she saw me.

" Yeah, I was invited to an event, I don't want to be home all day so I just agreed to be there, well see you later," I said as I entered the car and drove off, hoping to have a good time.

When I got to the address Hardin sent me, I saw a lot of cars parked, it looked like the host was holding the event in her own house and I saw about two women walking with who seemed to be their husbands, Hardin didn't mention coming with your husband not like I had one but I don't think I would have liked to be here if that's the case.

As I reached the entrance I was greeted by a lady who had an overly cheery smile on her face and she looked at me like she was expecting something from me but I was confused as to what it was. I'm sure the look on my face told her clearly that I didn't know what she wanted.

" Your invitation?" Hold up? It was strictly by invitation? How come Hardin didn't say that? Now I must look stupid.

" I was invited by a friend," I said to the lady, I thought Hardin said it was for all pregnant women, but he didn't say it was for special pregnant women. Feeling tired of trying to explain, I turned to leave but just then I heard a voice say.

" She's with me."

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