Chapter 11- The Dinner

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I had warned myself several times not to feel this way each time he was with another woman or said something hurtful but I couldn't help it. First, it was this morning when he called Fiona, and now as I watched him kiss another woman I couldn't help but think of the way he kissed me last night.

He should at least respect the fact I just gave him myself last night and now this morning he was already with another woman, did I really not mean anything to him? Of course I did not, I was just his baby carrier.

I pretended like I didn't see anything and I went past them to get coffee. I think they might have felt my presence as they stopped what they were doing and looked at me like I had just ruined their perfect little moment.

I felt his eyes on me but I didn't care to look at him, breakfast was already served so I just made myself comfortable as I started eating.

" Babe, who's she?" She asked like she was anything special, If she knew just how many girls were already acting like her, I guessed that she knew but didn't care as long as he was spending his money on her.

" Nobody important." Jane, you need to stop it, stop feeling hurt by his words, you're not his wife, you have no rights over him, but my heart wouldn't listen as it squeezed in pain. Instead of dwelling on the pain, I just quietly ate my food.

When I was done, I excused myself and I went back into my room, luckily today's chick didn't stop me.


I've been in my room for three weeks now only coming down to take something from the kitchen and then I was back inside my room.

I couldn't just be restricted to my room, I wasn't Rapunzel. We needed to talk about my continuous sitting at home. I had nothing to do and I just couldn't sit here every day till the day I gave him a child, I couldn't help but dread that day, I never wanted it to come.

I went back downstairs to see if his friend had left. Luckily she wasn't with him when I got there.

" We need to talk," I said to him, but he didn't even acknowledge me…I repeated myself.

" We need to talk."

" You were already talking, why did you need to ask permission again?" He didn't even bother to look up at me, he just continued what he was doing. I knew that was my queue to either say what I wanted to say or leave the place like a fool. So I choose the former.

" I can't keep staying here each day like a caged animal, if I can remember clearly, nothing in the contract said I shouldn't go out, last time I went out you didn't like it.

So I want you to know you shouldn't have a problem when I go out." He didn't say anything when I finished my lamenting, it was like I was just talking to thin air. I stood up feeling embarrassed and I was about to go back to my room but his words stopped me.

" Get ready. Am taking you out for dinner."

" I..I.. don't…" I stammered as I couldn't form the right words to say.

" You don't what? You wanted to go out and now that I've offered to take you out you want to say no?" I shook my head and feeling satisfied with my response he turned back to what he was doing.

I didn't feel happy with the decision, I just wanted him to never have to bother me when I went out, and not make me feel like I was begging for his attention.

I was nothing to him so why was he taking me out? Now what would I be doing till night time? Stay here doing nothing.

I sighed as I dumped myself on the bed, if I continued this way I was going to gain a lot of weight even before my pregnancy.

The day went by in a blur and it was almost dinner time, I didn't know what type of place Markus would be taking me to and I didn't know what to wear.

But after so much searching I settled for a short white dress with shuffles by the side which made one side longer than the other and showed the skin of my thigh a little. Then I picked white heels.

I took a quick shower then  got dressed, I did simple make-up and decided to curl my hair. Finally, I wore my shoes as I settled on the couch in my room.

About five minutes later I heard my door knob twist open, I could tell it was Markus because he's the only one who never knocks only if he isn't in his right senses.

He opened the door and I stood up from where I sat and I made my way to him.
" Ready?" He asked and I nodded although I was tempted to ask him if I had a choice in the matter. He opened the door for me as I passed him and then he got out, closing the door behind him.

As much as I didn't want it, he placed his hands on my back and my breath hitched as he robbed circles on my skin. I don't know what was wrong with him, he was acting like a gentleman, and he even opened the car door for me.

We arrived at the restaurant and not like I expected anything less, he was a billionaire, and he was used to luxury and all. He gave the car to the valet as we made our way into the restaurant.

Again I wasn't surprised when we were given a special spot away from everyone. Markus pulled out the chair for me as I thanked him and sat down.

I picked the menu and scanned through the meal, the prices were just too much, and I wondered what was so special about their food. But I didn't say anything, my man. Wait hold up, I quickly cautioned my silly mind.

The waitress came and took our order and I couldn't help but notice how she was openly flirting at Markus and he was flirting back.

When our food was ready, about three different women came to serve us, there was only a male who carried the drink that came with them. All three of them weren't even concerned about me being there; it was like I was invisible. I couldn't take the rubbish any longer.

" If you guys wanted to advertise your breasts, you might as well have considered being a lingerie model rather than showing it freely to my husband."

The three of them straightened up, served without any more show and the room went quiet, that was when I was hit with the realization of what had I just said.



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