Chapter 44- Hiding the Truth

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that I felt like I had been hit by a truck, so tired and I didn't remember getting drunk last night, I had a few drinks with my dad but not enough to get me drunk.

Then why did I feel this way? Like I was drugged.

" How do you feel?" Jane's voice suddenly filled my ear and I turned to see her coming from the bathroom fully dressed.

" Why would you ask that?" I asked her because I wasn't sure why she was asking me that, did I look like something was wrong with me?

" You were down yesterday with a fever, so I guess you're better now." She said and I drew my brows up in confusion, fever, but when?

" Here take this, the doctor said you should be fine after taking this because you would feel tired when you wake up but this would help boost your energy." I looked at the medicine she handed me like it was poison, I woke up feeling weird so it was normal for me to be cautious.

" It's not poison, I can take one if you want but it wasn't prescribed for me." She said and I took the medicine from her grudgingly swallowing it as I pushed it down with water.

I handed her back the cup.

" When did the fever start?" I asked because I felt like something wasn't right.

" Late at night when I woke up to use the restroom, you were burning up." She said as she sat beside me.

" You should go down for breakfast, you need to get your energy back." Why was she showing me such concern, I didn't ask for it.

" I'll be fine," I said as I rose from the bed but my feet were a little unsteady so I didn't take a step, I waited until I was more focused before slowly making my way out of the room with Jane looking at me like I was some delicate glass.

" Son, where were you? I was waiting to have breakfast with you this morning but learned you were with Jane." He said and I could tell there was more to his statement, he was looking for an explanation I wasn't ready to give.

" Dad you won't get what you're looking for," I said to him as I took a seat, the food was already served, and I felt so hungry that within minutes I ate the food and wanted more.

" Are you okay?" My dad asked looking at me with concern. I was also wondering if I was okay. Jane told me I had a fever.

The maid came to get my plate and was looking at me like she had something she wanted to say.

" Is there something you want?" I asked her.

" No sir, I'm just glad you're okay, after that witch…oh sorry I don't mean to call her that but she's not a good woman." What was she talking about? What woman?

" What do you mean?" I asked her wanting her to make things clear because I didn't get a thing she was saying.

" You see sir, last night you were drugged by that other woman who likes to cause trouble and she has a gun and wanted to kill Madam but luckily I came to the room on time." Becka was still in my house? And Jane thought it was okay to hide it from me.

Before I could think I was marching back to Jane's room. I had to remind her who was in charge here.

As soon as she saw me she stood from where she was seated on the bed and looked at me with confusion in her eyes, the same way I looked when I woke up.


Markus was back in my room, did he forget something?

" What do you want? Did you leave something hear?" I asked him but he didn't give me a reply, he just walked further into the room, and that made me more confused.

" What happened last night?" He asked and my heart skipped, did he already know what happened last night? I refused to tell him because he would just burn down the whole house with his anger, I knew it was something I should have told him but I just couldn't bring myself to.

Although what Becka did was wrong, I couldn't let her be sent to jail with her pregnancy. I would never forgive myself. She thought she had enough reason to want me dead.

I knew Markus wouldn't think, that's why I sent her out of the house as soon as she woke up, it wasn't easy, but nothing beat freedom, I told her she was going to spend the rest of her life in prison if Markus found her here when he woke up.

" I.." I didn't know how to tell him because he already looked angry, I should have just told him, I knew he was going to find out, why do I keep putting myself in trouble?

I told the doctor not to say anything to him, but I forgot to talk to the maid so I guess she must have told him.

" I'm sorry for not telling you." That would be better, I did wrong, so it would be better if I apologize than argue with him.

" You're sorry? Do you even think sometimes Jane? Someone almost killed you last night and you think it was okay to hide it from me? You forget this is my house and even the walls report to me."

I couldn't bring myself to say anything, it was better I just listened to his ranting than say anything that would anger him more.

" It won't happen again."

" Yeah? Because you've already made the decision like a good wife would do without her husband's consent. You keep forgetting we are not married and whatever decision that concerns my household you have to tell me." Are we going to talk about this again? Anytime something happens he tries to remind me that I am not his wife.

" You know what? Don't you ever get tired of reminding me that I am not your wife? I'm beginning to think you're trying to remind yourself."

" Excuse me?"

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