Chapter 79- The Dead Returned

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I got dressed in big sweatpants and a hoodie and then I took my purse and went out of the room. I didn't care how I looked, all I wanted was to be where I could get answers.

I got into the car and drove off heading to the location I had picked. I just hoped I wasn't wasting my time.

When I got to the bridge where we had agreed to meet, I parked my car and stepped out.

I could already see him waiting for me. He had his back to me, so I walked to him.

He must have noticed me coming behind him because he turned.

" Hi,"

" I didn't come here to exchange pleasantries with you, so I'm just going to go straight to the point, tell your wife that whatever she's doing she has to stop,"

" What are you talking about?" He asked with confusion written on his face, did he expect me to believe he didn't know what his wife was up to? Had she just been using him like her obedient puppy?

" Tell your wife to stay clear of me and my child, I don't know what games she's playing, but unlike you who didn't care for your child, I'll do what I can to protect mine," I saw something flash in his eyes and for a moment I soften remembering we once had a relationship, but as soon as the thought came it vanished. I wasn't going to let him manipulate me.

" You think I would want something bad to happen to you? You're my daughter."

" I was, there is a difference, the day you walked out on us was the day you lost the right to call me your daughter, don't ever make the mistake,"

" It was my mistake,"

" Live with it, I didn't come here to listen to your story and explanation or get your apology, I hope you deliver my message to your wife, just one word from me and she'll be behind bars," I said before walking back to my car.

He couldn't tell me he was ignorant of the fact that his wife wanted me out of her way, she couldn't bear seeing my father near me, it always reminded her that my mother gave my father something she couldn't. A child, a child he lost and would never have back.

I opened the car door and got in, I had somewhere else to be.

I parked my car outside the police station and walked in, Markus didn't know I was coming here, he didn't have to.

" Welcome madam, Is there a problem?" the inspector asked, seemingly surprised by my unexpected visit.

" There isn't a problem, but there's something I want you to do for me," He offered me a seat which I gladly took because I was tired.

" I want to speak to the girl,"

" Are you sure about this ma'am, I  don't think you want to be seated in front of someone who tried to kill you, it can be very uncomfortable,"  the inspector said with worry in his voice.

" I'm fine, there's nothing to worry about."

" Okay, if you insist, follow me," The detective said and I stood up to follow him.

We got to the interrogation room where she was seated with her hands handcuffed to the chair, she looked like the whole world was on her.

" Are you sure about this Mrs Arthur?" He asked me for the last time.

" Just wait outside for me, if I feel uncomfortable I'll call, you'll be watching me right?" I asked, referring to the transparent glass that was there. He would be watching us all along.

I slowly walked to the chair that was opposite her, Grace had her eyes cast down in shame, she couldn't look at me.

" Why did you do it? you should have come to us, you should have asked us for help, things wouldn't have come to this,"

" I was so scared, I didn't know what to do, and my selfishness made me do it, I was only thinking about myself, I can't even apologize because I don't deserve forgiveness, I almost killed you and your child, because I was trying to protect my self, it was very selfish,"

" You claim not to know who asked you to kill me, what did she say to you that made you carry out her order so willingly?"

She looked lost in her thoughts as if contemplating what she wanted to tell me.

" I had a horrible past, you know, I started to work for Mr. Arthur two years ago, things were forgotten and my life was going well, until the day I met that woman, she showed me pictures of me when I used to be a part-time stripper and a prostitute, I did a lot of things I'm not proud of and she was going to show it to the world and she threatened to hurt my little brother if I didn't do what she asked, I don't deserve your forgiveness but I'm sorry," She had tears running down her eyes and I didn't even know what to say.

" I'm just going to say this, you should have asked us for help, now there's nothing I can do to help you," I couldn't bear to be in the room any more so I stood and left.

" Thank you, officer, have you guys been able to find anything about who the real mastermind is?"

" We have footage but nothing to prove who the person was but we'll get to the bottom of this,"

" Please do so, so I can rest and stop having this feeling like someone is always watching me."

" It's going to be fine ma'am,"

" I hope so," I left the police station feeling like there were still so many stones left unturned. I got into my car and drove back home.

I parked outside the house deep in thought, my mind was so occupied. My father claims it wasn't his wife then who could it be?

Taking a deep breath I got out of the car, took my bag, and grudgingly walked into the house. Nobody would feel lively when there was a death threat hanging on their head.

The whole house was quiet and I wondered where everybody was. There was no sign of the workers.

I got to our room and pushed the door open but I froze when I saw what was before me.

I looked at Markus who looked like he was frozen in a spot, he stood like a statue and then her.

She was here.

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