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Chapter 19

Chen Rui looked strangely at the changing expressions of the young man in front of him. Sometimes he was gnashing his teeth, sometimes he was filled with resentment, and sometimes he was green and white...

  "What's wrong with you over the weekend? You feel unwell." Chen Rui asked with some confusion. The young man didn't seem to be injured, but it couldn't be seen from the outside, which didn't mean there was no internal injury. Chen Rui couldn't help but worry.

  Weekend came back to his senses in Chen Rui's voice, pulled out a rather forced smile and said: "I'm fine, Brother Chen, I just divided the corpse crystals into two piles, and you still have a lot of them, since you can absorb them Now, I'll put this for you on the bedside, and you can absorb it at any time. But don't force it too hard. Stop once you feel your Dantian is full. That's because your body's storage of elements has reached its limit. If you continue to absorb it reluctantly, it will cause damage. Dantian's..."

  Chen Rui nodded after making sure that the young man was fine, but he still said uneasily: "Don't go out until my injury is healed. We will leave here when I am healed. Since we can absorb Corpse crystals become stronger, animals can mutate and evolve, and zombies should soon become stronger. There are too many zombies in the city and it will soon become unsafe."

  "I know Brother Chen, you need to recover from your injuries first. I won't go out today." After saying this, Weekend left the guest bedroom. The giant python that was more than ten meters tall in his space had not been dealt with yet. It was a good thing. It was better than the mutated python. The cat is ten times better. After all, the mutated cat didn't evolve for long. And this mutated giant python is not only huge in size, but also powerful. If he hadn't been lucky this time, plus the earth attribute he just acquired, he would have had a chance to kill the mutated giant python in one fell swoop. .

  If any of these were not in place, not only would he not be able to kill the mutated giant python, but he might have been swallowed by the giant python now.

  Now that he thinks about the weekend, he is still a little scared. In his previous life, he had killed mutant animals, but they were all small ones. Even with his teammates, he had never killed such a large mutant animal. Of course, it is still the early days of the apocalypse. If he is waiting for three In five months, even a dozen people will not see the mutant python's opponent. Once such a huge mutant beast evolves into a high-level mutant beast, it will not be so easy to kill.

  Walking to the bathroom of the master bedroom, Weekend put the mutated python in the bathtub. The luxurious bathtub was slowly filled with the mutant python. Weekend took a sharp dagger and spent a lot of effort to open an opening seven inches away from the python. Immediately take the bucket and start collecting the snake's blood.

  This is a good thing. I collected a lot of liquor over the weekend. The blood can be used to make snake blood wine. Even if the mutated python is not a venomous snake, this blood wine is definitely an excellent tonic. After the apocalypse, food is scarce. I want to supplement it. Nutrition is too difficult, not to mention that mutant beasts are not that easy to kill. It is impossible for ordinary people to dare to hunt them. Even if they go, they will only give food, and mutant snakes are one of the few mutant beasts with delicious meat.

  Although a lot of blood was lost during the kill, this mutant python was huge. Even so, he still collected a large bucket of blood over the weekend and immediately collected the blood into the space, and filled it into liquor when he had time.

  After cleaning the blood, I started to disembowel the mutated python. The mutated python's skin was tough and not easy to cut. It took a lot of effort to cut it off over the weekend. This is excellent stuff. If it can be made into soft armor, it will definitely be much stronger than wearing clothes. Even the nails of zombies cannot scratch the python skin.

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