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"Wow this is beautiful" my mom walks around the house for tenth time, we are unpacking for our new house we finally picked the one we want.

Nothing has been installed yet, like the electrical and stoves stuff that like and Ariella has sent everything over to the people that are putting it all in.

I'm so proud of how hard she's worked this house wouldn't be possible without her.

"I love it" Ariella's mom smiles, My siblings and Parents are helping us and so is Alex and Ariella's parents.

"Ava are you gonna help?" Griffin asks crossing his arms looking at our sister.

"I'm keeping Ariella entertained" Ava bounces around on the pregnancy ball.

Ariella laughs "be careful".

"I'm fin-" she screeches falling off the ball.

"Ava" Griffin groans "stop ruining there house already".

"I'm not!" She shouts.

"Just come and help!" Ava groans getting up.

We haven't let Ariella do much we only let her take cushions, blankets, and cutlery I didn't even want her taking cutlery case she dropped it and dropped a knife on her foot.

It's fine if a blanket or cushion that dropped on her foot because it wouldn't hurt.

Ariella grab a box and I rushes over to me "let me help".

"Right! I'm trying to help stop" she shouts and everyone looks at us "god!".


"No! It's pissing me off" she sniffs walking away.

"Ari!" I shout.

"What's up with her?" Alex asks.

"I don't know" I shrug.

"I'll go check on her" her mom walks the same way as Ariella did "she's probably just stressed".

I haven't even been paying attention to her! She's been working so fucking hard trying to make this house perfect for us our family and I haven't been paying attention.

I told her to not work hard but she's been working her ass off, I wake up sometimes during the night and she's up sketching loads of stuff.

I feel so fucking bad because I haven't been listening, well I have I just haven't been noticing and I've been telling her to be careful and to just chill out and she's obviously fed up with it. She's wanting do get stuff done she's definitely nervous for the baby to come.

"No mom!" I head her shouts.

"I'll be back" I walk away.

I don't want to get her annoyed, I don't want to push her, I don't wanna be controlling and I definitely don't want her to feel uncomfortable I want her to feel comfortable in the house.

"I'm tired" she cries.

"Shh baby" she hugs Ariella.


"No" she shakes her head "I'm sorry" she pulls away from her mothers arms.

"Don't be sorry" I take her hands into mine as her mom leaves the room "I obviously want you helping but I'm nervous as well. This is my first time, our first time ells I don't want anything bad happened to you or the baby" "you need to sleep. It's not good for you"

"I do sleep" she says.

I wipe her tears "you don't. I see you awake doing work" "you have to sleep".

"Your right no one needs a bitchy Ariella" she huffs.

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