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"I met a girl once
She sort of ripped me open
She doesn't even know it
She doesn't know my name"

AMELIE WILLOW an only child born and raised in Los Angeles California. Amelie grew up without a care in the world always getting into trouble in her neighborhood. Since she was young  Amelie knew what she was going to be, a singer.
She loved every aspect of it.
Now 25 year later Amelie has met her goals and more than her little heart could have ever imagined. First time Grammy nominee on her debut album. She was nominated for "Best new artist" and to say she was excited was an understatement. Being at the Grammys was the coolest thing the girl had ever experienced. At the Grammys after party she meets someone by the name of GRACIE ABRAMS another singer nominated for the same category Amelie had been nominated for. They hit it off really well, really really well. In their drunken daze they end up sleeping together. At this time little did both the girls know that this would turn into much more than a one night stand.

"We sat on the sofa
She asked me a million questions
I answered and by eleven
Memorized her face"


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