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Soon the event was over and Madison and I were making our way out of the building, saying our goodbyes to people along the way. We entered the car and I groaned as we sat down, immediately kicking off my heels and settling down into the seat and getting comfortable.

Madison rolled her eyes at my actions, and looked down at her phone. Visibly texting someone back with a large grin on her face. "Don't get too comfortable Ame, we're hitting up a club for the after party." She exclaimed, smiling at me.

"Mads, I love you and all but hell no, I'm so tired I just want to go home and sleep." I mumbled to her, but knowing Madison she won't stop until she gets her way.

"Come on Amelie, you slept literally all day today you can't be that tired. Please come, I don't want to go alone." she said, begging me to go to the party with her. "And since when do ever turn down the chance to go to a party and get drunk?" She asked me, her face holding a puzzled look.

Fuck, she's right. I could go for alcohol and some pussy right about now, preferably a lot of both. Victory pussy, I'll dedicate it to my win tonight. I chuckled to myself before responding her.

"Fuck it, I'll go with you Mads I need alcohol and woman to celebrate my victory tonight" I said smirking to myself.

" You're a whore, Amelie." Madison laughed as she spoke.

"Yea, whatever let's just get to this stupid party" I said sitting up straight in my seat and pulling my phone out.

Madison and I arrived at "Inferno", the club the after party was being held at. We quickly grabbed our belongings before thanking the driver, headed out of the car and into the club.

After getting approval by security to go inside, I swiftly made my way towards the bar with
Madison treading behind me. I ordered a rum and coke along with a shot of vodka. Downing that shot as soon as I got it.

I walked through the party, drink in hand observing the people that surrounded me. Madison had ordered her drink then left me to find one of her other friends. Really ironic to say, knowing that minutes ago she was begging me to come because she didn't want to be alone, liar.

But nonetheless I was determined to enjoy this party as much as I could. Trudging my way through the large crowd of celebrities, I recognized quite a few faces. People like Kylie Jenner and Olivia Rodrigo were here partying and having fun.

I definitely don't belong here with these types of people. They all have accomplished a lot and I've barely taken a few steps to accomplishing something big.

Not really paying attention to where I was going, I headed through the club deep in thought. That was until I was quickly disrupted from my thoughts when I felt someone bump into me, causing my drink to spill all over them.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry" A soft voice rang through my ears, presumably coming from the person who bumped into me.

When I finally got a good look at the person I realized it was a girl, but not just any girl it was the girl I had been staring at earlier. If I remember correctly her name is Gracie.

"Are you ok? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you" Gracie murmured looking at me with a terrified look on her face.

She took the brute of the bump, got my drink spilt all over her, and she's the one apologizing?

"I think I should be asking you if you're okay, I'm completely fine. Let me go grab you some napkins." I said to her, going to the bar and grabbing napkins so she could attempt to dry off her shirt.

I quickly walked back to Gracie and handed her the napkins. Her shirt was black so you couldn't see a color difference in it, but you could definitely see that something had been spilled on it.

She quietly mumbled a thank you to me, and began wiping her shirt. But with no luck she stopped and looked me up at me, holding eye contact.

"Congratulations, you deserve that Grammy. Your album got me through some hard shit, oh and I'm Gracie." She said, crumbling the napkins in her hands and throwing them in the trash, that was conveniently right next to us.

" Thank you Gracie, I'm Amelie." I said smiling to her, and she smiled back at me. Holy fuck she's so pretty.

I could tell she was getting ready to walk away, but I felt bad and couldn't let her leave like that.

"Please let me buy you a drink or something I feel bad about your shirt. We could take a shot together" I said, my eyes raking over her small frame.

"Sure, why not" She said, with that we began to head to the bar.

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