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Third person P.O.V

Amelie woke up the next morning feeling better than usual, besides her major headache she had from drinking too much the night before. She laid in bed with her eyes closed, trying to remember details about yesterday, but her mind was drawing blank.

When the girl finally opened her eyes, ready to get up and start her day, her vision was blocked by strands of brunette and a weight on top her was preventing her from getting up. Amelie couldn't help but internally panic for a moment, having a girl on top of you and not remembering how either of you ended up here wasn't the best sign.

Suddenly details from yesterday were coming back to her. Her and Gracie at the club, then their drunken make out sessions, and finally her and Gracie coming back to her house. Amelie couldn't help but slightly smirk, she had fucked Gracie Abrams, the prettiest girl on earth.

Suddenly the girl on top of her began to lightly stir awake, groaning as she did so. But instead of getting up Gracie nuzzled her head further into Amelie's neck, too tired to even comprehend her surroundings, especially not noticing the girl under her.

As much as Amelie would have loved to stay in this moment for longer, Gracie in her arm's lightly breathing down her neck, Amelie knew she couldn't. She needed to get up and get something to cure her nauseating headache and fix the rumbling in her stomach.

"Gracie, baby are you up?" Amelie whispered quietly to the girl, hoping that she heard her. No answer came from Gracie, but Amelie could tell she was up. The change in Gracie's breathing and the smile Amelie felt against her neck was evident that the girl on top of her was awake.

"I know you're awake Gracie"  Amelie murmured, hoping to get a reaction out of Gracie. "No I'm not" Gracie had muttered out into Amelie's neck, wishing to go back to bed. Last night had been the most amazing night ever. Gracie had never been treated with such care or genuineness from anyone and on top of that, yesterday Gracie had the most amazing sex of her life. Amelie sure knew how to make a woman feel good.

Amelie slightly giggled at Gracie's words, before attempting to slip out from underneath the girl. "As much as I would love to stay like this, I really need to fucking piss" she stated, but Gracie wasn't making any move to get up.

"No, don't go you're so warm" Gracie said, protesting the girls movements. Truth be told Gracie had never felt this comfortable with someone and she didn't want that feeling to go away.

Amelie decided to stay put in bed for a few more minutes, until the feeling of her having to piss got too much to bear. She knew the girl on top of her would object her movements, so she decided to just get up. Picking up Gracie in her arms, as she did so. Amelie's hands going under the girl's thighs.

"Amelie! What are you doing!" Gracie quietly yelled, quickly placing her arms around Amelie's neck, so she wouldn't fall.

"Well someone didn't want to get off of me and I have to use the bathroom" Amelie said, placing Gracie gently back down on the bed and walking to the bathroom.

Unknown to Amelie, Gracie was left on the bed with a light pink blush on her cheeks.

While Amelie took her time in the bathroom, Gracie began gathering her stuff that was scattered around the room, from yesterday's antics.

Amelie was now done in the bathroom, after a quick outfit change into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Amelie had also gotten Gracie some clothes to change into, which consisted of a pair of black shorts and a gray sweater. She walked out to see Gracie lying on her bed with her stuff in a pile on the ground next to it.

"Hey Gracie" Amelie said walking up to girl and sitting down next to her. "I got you some clothes if you want to get dressed, or you can just stay naked. Either one is fine with me" She said flirting with the girl, smirking slightly when a blush crept upon the younger girls face.

"Shut up" Gracie quietly murmured, taking the clothes from Amelie and getting up to put them on.

"Do you want a coffee or something to eat?" Amelie said, wanting to keep the girl here for as long as possible. Amelie had a lot of fun yesterday and wanted to get to know more about Gracie, she was different than any other girl Amelie had ever met.

"I actually have plans with my parents, I was supposed to be there like 30 minutes ago but I totally forgot. I'm sorry, but I would love to meet another time, if you'd like?" Gracie said, rambling on about how she was sorry to leave like this.

"Of course Gracie, you seem cool as fuck. I think we would make great friends." Amelie said, staring at the girl waiting for her to respond. Gracie just stared back not responding, but instead handing Amelie her phone with her contacts pulled up so she could put her phone number in. After saving each other's numbers, Amelie walked Gracie to the door.

"Bye Gracie, have a good day" Amelie said hugging the slightly shorter girl. "Bye Amelie, thank you for everything" Gracie replied, reciprocating the hug, and before stepping outside she placed a soft kiss on Amelie's cheek.
She then walked out the door to her car, leaving Amelie in the doorway.

Yea we would make great "Friends"


Amelie | Gracie A.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz