chapter eleven . a deal for a deal

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DEALING WITH MILEENA'S DEATH WAS hard, but Wendeline did. She had to cope unless she wanted her family to stay bitter which was something she did not want.

Ladislaus helped keep her mind distracted, showing her new sights she never knew about, and letting her taste exotic dishes. Something she just learned was that he had a thing for food.

He was something nice in her pitiful life, and she was honestly going to be sad when she stopped seeing him eventually. It was bound to happen.

Wendeline was now lying in her room reading a letter she found on the floor once she had woken up.

It was in an elegant handwriting, and she traced her finger across the letter as she read.

Dear Wendeline,

Meet me outside in the gardens by the west tower, there's something I would like to discuss with you.

From The Leech

Wendeline released a small laugh and scoff as she read, surprised that Dmitrik would write a letter to her. What could he possibly want to discuss with her?

Quickly she got dressed, throwing on a white dress and a green corset over it. Not bothering to fix her hair she put on her shoes and jogged out of her room with a bounce in her step.

She almost broke out into a sprint but made herself walk slower as she didn't want anyone to think she was up to anything suspicious.

Wendeline knew where all the gardens in the palace were as she'd been given special permission to have access to all of them since the Queen saw that she'd shown interest in them. She appreciated the gesture from the queen as she wasn't obligated to have pity for her. Wendeline knew she was a genuinely kind woman.

She nodded as she passed by a few guards she recognized and they smiled back at her courteously.

Aimlessly Wendeline wandered through the gardens, figuring Dmitrik would appear when he noticed her. She traced her hands gently across a few flowers she saw, smiling to herself. This was one of the prettiest gardens around the castle, filled with gorgeous flowers and decorations. The stone columns and fountains were a nice touch.

She stopped at a fountain and looked down into it, noticing she could see her reflection.

Silently she stared at herself thinking. She hated what she was becoming. Maybe she should stop her revenge scheme? Was it truly worth losing pieces of herself?

As Wendeline glanced another thing began to reflect in the water and she gasped before turning around.

"Oh, your majesty," Wendeline said, not expecting to see him. It was Prince Darkowe.

"What're you doing here?" Darkowe asked with pursed lips as he observed her. He looked really upset that she was there.

"Looking through the garden," she stuttered, not knowing what to say to him.

"Now why do I not believe that?" he asked, stepping towards her and she wanted to step away but she was already standing right beside the fountain and couldn't move unless she wanted to fall in.

"It's true. What do you expect me to be doing?" she scoffed.

He narrowed his eyes on her.

"You're Tatijana's sister? The one she hates," he said as he slowly began to recognize her, and then a wolf-like smile came onto his face.

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