Five || King of the Stone World

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'Finally! I'll have Yuzu back in a world where there are just two dumbasses!'

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'Finally! I'll have Yuzu back in a world where there are just two dumbasses!'

At this moment, you're headed to bring your other best friend back to life.

Senku — noticing behind Taiju's brave face, he felt the desire to save his unofficial other half — offered Taiju the choice of deciding who to revive first.

Knowing that he doesn't freely reveal his soft side — yet nevertheless manages to do so with his incredibly sharp words — is admirable of him.

"This moment has finally come," Muttering under his breath, Taiju looked at the love of his life with pure admiration.

She is just as gorgeous as he has always recalled, even in her petrified state.

"If we pour this fluid on her, it will de-petrify her and she will be revived, right?" Even though Taiju already knew the answer, he inquired with excitement.

"Yeah, that's what should happen." Senku's lips curled into a truly nasty grin, "I've tried it on a piece of broken stone and it turned into a hunk of dead flesh."

You gave him a strange look and then let out a big sigh. 

You really can't hold it against him since in order to learn something, you have to do anything.

But, to be honest, your experiment is more simple and useful than his.

It even has the potential to save the lives of those who are petrified, even if they are shattered.

Taiju shouted at Senku, stunned by the information, "Try to have a little respect for the dead, would you?!"

"That's disgusting." You commented which made Senku gave you a pretty offended expression.

Compared to the others, he definitely pays more attention to your words.

"I did make the effort to put them back together first, obviously. But it seems that when someone has died, reviving them is not an option." Senku went on, "I value their sacrifice. Perhaps you should pray for them."

Of course, he meant it in a sarcastic manner. 

But, Taiju did so because he was simply a huge, naive guy.

"Oi, Taiju, don't waste any more time. We have to quickly bring your future girlfriend back to life. After then, you can pray for as long as you like." You laughed a little, taking the cup of revival fluid from Senku.

Taking in what you said, Taiju quickly pulled out several tangled roots around Yuzuriha.

It was impossible not to get a little excited about this.

After all, she's your best friend. You four have a close friendship - perhaps the greatest one. 

Not to mention, she's also the only other girl in the group, so you're always talking and gossiping with her.

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